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| Fig. 7.16. Location engine cover screws and the pointer (1) measuring the level of engine oil
Release clamps fastening, remove the three screws and remove the engine cover (see. Fig. 7.16). 1 Position the pointer (Fig. 7.16), the level of engine oil in place. Drain the coolant from the cooling system.
| Fig. 7.17. Fasteners thermostat on diesel engines of 1.9 l 1 - a bolt, 13 Nm; 2 - connecting pipe; 3 - O-ring; 4 - Thermostat
Disconnect the coolant hose from the connecting pipe, closing the thermostat (Fig. 7.17). Turn out bolts 1 (see. Fig. 7.17) and remove the connecting pipe 2 with a sealing ring 3 and 4 thermostat. 4 Turn the thermostat to 90 ?� counterclockwise and remove it from the connection pipe 2.