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Charging the battery fully discharged
Use the following procedure to charge a fully depleted battery. Measure the voltage at the battery terminals accurate voltmeter. If the measured value is below 10, the charge current will be very low, and charging will require additional time. Place the charger on a high place. Some chargers have a circuit reverse polarity protection that prevents improper charging when connecting to the battery terminals. Fully discharged battery does not have enough voltage to activate this circuitry, even if the wires are connected correctly. This will cause the battery will not charge. Therefore, follow the specific instructions of the manufacturer of chargers to the battery charger is turned on and start charging the battery with a low voltage. The charger includes voltage regulators and current. The values of the time required for charging the battery according to the different voltage values are given below.
The charging time of the battery depending on the initial battery voltage
If the resulting battery charge can not be measured after the time of charging, the battery should be replaced. If the resulting charge measured during charging, the battery is working, and charging should be completed in the usual way.