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Set windscreen
ATTENTION The windshield can be installed correctly if the seal is damaged or the glass is pushed by air pressure during the opening and closing of doors with raised sliding window. Before the end of the windscreen ustanvki leave all the windows open. |
| Fig. 8.43. Removing the remnants of the old sealant
Cut away the old sealant with a razor so that the thickness of the remaining layer of sealant around the perimeter of the frame is 1-2 mm (Fig. 8.43). If the seal in some place completely separated from the body, apply to this place after a certain amount of the degreasing primer and let it dry in iechenie about 30 minutes. After that, apply a coat of sealer 2 mm thick. Clean and degrease the band width of about 50 mm along the perimeter of the windshield and the contact surface on the body. When installing recycled windshield, use the following procedure:
Attach the pins in locations marked during removal (Fig. 8.44). Install edging windscreen. Apply a primer for glass and glass primer to the body on a body and edging, allow the primer to dry for about 30 minutes.
| Fig. 8.45. The general scheme of the installation window
ATTENTION Keep the contact surface of dirt and grease, do not touch the contact surfaces. Otherwise, the primer will not have sufficient adhesion to the glass surface and the body, which can lead to leakage. |
| Fig. 8.46. The scheme applying sealant to the surface of the glass
Apply sealant to the glass surface as shown in Figure 8.46. Insert the pins into the body, then install the windshield. Push the pins of the windscreen so that they entered the tabs on the body.
Create pressure around the perimeter of the glass so that the clearance projection edging glass corresponded to normal (Fig. 8.47). Install the components in reverse order of removal Allow the sealant is completely polymerized. Cured sealant: 24 hours.