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Brake pads
Drum brakes of the rear wheels are adjusted automatically. This push rod under the effect of the adjustment device changes its position and always provides a constant, constructive due to the clearance between the brake drum and shoes.
To automatically adjust the push rod has a thread on which sits gear. Spinning, gear changes the position of the push rod. After a single press on the brake pedal, between the brake drum and brake pads gap is provided.
If the movement of the brake pad, as a result of wear of the brake linings is greater than the preset gap, the gear wheel under the action of the adjusting lever and the spring is scrolled on by one tooth. Position the push rod is changed - the brake pads are automatically adjusted. A warning To remove the springs are best special pliers for brake springs, for example, NA2ET 797. You can also use the gas and key.
Withdrawal Removal Procedure springs
PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Remove the brake drum. | 2. Remove the return spring (1). Remove the spring (2) of the adjusting lever. Adjusting gear push rod (3) using a screwdriver to unscrew the back completely. Remove the return spring (4) - see. Fig. Removal Procedure springs. | | 3. Strongly press a key on a plate gas pressure spring and turn 90 ?� (1/4 turn). While pressing the hold pin with the back side of the brake support. | 4. Remove the second spring plate. | | 5. Dilute the brake pads on top of your hands and pull. | 6. Remove the lower return spring. | | 7. Disconnect the cable of a manual brake. |
To install the springs
PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Install the brake pads only one quality. Clean brake pads and brake support. When removing the brake pads squeeze the brake pedal, otherwise the plunger will slide out from the brake cylinder. If the brake cylinder raw bust. Clean the threads and lubricate the push rod. Drums with traces furrows clean. Always eat through both the drum axis. | 2. Coat a thin layer of paste Malykote G6 threaded push rod, the contact surfaces of brake pads to the brake support, the ribs brake pads and supports the brake lever to the brake lever. | 3. Push the cable of a manual brake on the brake block. | 4. Attach the lower return spring and install the brake pads on the bottom support. | 5. Install the top push rod with an adjusting pinion between the brake pads. | A warning Pressure Rod left rear wheel has a right-hand thread, the right rear wheel - left. Bevel sleeves and long pin on the push rod indicate the brake support plate.
| 6. Install the brake pads on the brake cylinder piston. | 7. Insert the pin through the rear compression springs brake pads. | 8. Set the pressure springs. Set the plate springs combined pliers and squeeze the spring holding the pin back (see. Fig. To install the springs). | 9. Turn the spring plate 90 ?� (1/4 turn) and secure. | 10. Attach return springs in the sequence 4, 2, 1. | 11. Perform basic setting of the rear wheel brakes. | 12. Install the brake drum (see. Subsection 7.7). | 13. repeatedly and strongly squeeze the foot brake. This is achieved by adjusting the rear wheel brakes. | 14. Put the wheel, paying attention to the markings. Remove the machine from the box and tighten the bolts cross-wise the moment of 160 Nm. | 15. Adjust the handbrake. | 16. Check brake on medium speed. If, during braking the car pulls to one side, to determine the cause and resolve (see. Subsection 7.19). |