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Shock can be checked by hand. PERFORMANCE ORDER | 1. Remove the shock absorber. | 2. Hold shock upright. Stretch and compress the shock. | 3. Shock should go smoothly and evenly with the same effort. | 4. Faulty shock absorber can be identified and when driving on knocking and cod. Of course, these noises can also have other causes, such as loose screws, nuts, faulty wheel bearings, spherical plain synchronizers. Therefore, before replacing the shock absorber is necessary to check, if necessary, to give a bench test. | 5. impeccable work, small traces of the shock absorber oil is no reason to replace the shock absorber. The main rule: if traces of oil, which is not subject further than the cover of the shock absorber (piston rod seal finger) to the lower leg of the spring, shock absorber defective. Provided also that the oil slick matte or dried dust. A small oil leak may be considered even as an advantage, as there is a grease seal finger and increase thus its service life. | 6. With strong oil leakage, shock absorber replacement. Shock absorber oil is not poured. |