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Wrong tire wear
Depreciation edge tires Sawtooth tread wear Of the front wheels slightly higher tire wear edge towards the middle of the tread is normal, and, because of inclination of the roadway edges tire wear indicating the center of the road (the left wheel - outside right wheel - on the inside) to be expressed is much stronger.
Uneven tire wear is a consequence of (often) is too low or too high tire pressure, improper wheel alignment or imbalance, as well as the poor performance of the shock absorbers.
Sawtooth tread wear points tend to overload the machine. The first thing to pay attention to the prescribed tire pressure, check tire pressure every four weeks (monthly).
Check pressure only on cold tires. The tire pressure during driving at high speed as a result of heating increases. However, it is wrong to let the hot air out of the tires.
When pressure is too high in the middle of the tire tread wears out more as a result of tires of high internal pressure in the arched middle portion of the tread stronger.
Too low tire pressure, wheel longer rely on the edge of the tread, and the average of their caves inside. Thus there is a wear edge protectors.
Improper adjustment wheel imbalance and lead to a typical tread wear specified in troubleshooting wheels (see. Subsection 8.9).