printable version
???�???�???� ???�?? ?????�?????????�?�???�?????? ?????????????�??????, ???????????�????, ?�?�???�?????????�?????? ?? ?�???�???????????? ?????????�???????�?????? ?????�???�?�?�. Antiprihvatyvayuschy compound used to prevent kick is, corrosion, sticking and cold welding fixture. High antiprihvatyvayuschie sealants are usually made on the basis of copper or graphite lubricants and fasteners used in the exhaust system and the exhaust manifold. Anaerobic prihvatyvaet compounds are used to prevent inadvertent fastening of give under the influence of vibration and solidify only after installation in the absence of contact with air. Central power grab compounds are used for fixation of small fasteners (nuts, bolts, screws) are to be subsequently regular giving. High-compounds are commonly used to block a major fixture, the giving is not performed on a regular basis. Additives to the oil used to change the chemical properties of the oil, without changing its viscosity in order to reduce the internal friction in the engine. It should be noted that the majority of manufacturers producing motor oils warn against the use of any additives to it. Fuel additives perform several functions, depending on their chemical composition. Usually contain the solvents promoting the conclusion of tar and soot removal from the inner surfaces of the carburetor and the fuel injection system components and the intake tract. Furthermore, the use of such additives promotes the removal of carbon deposits forming on the walls of the combustion chambers. In the composition of certain additives include substances serving for lubrication of the upper components of the cylinder head (valve train, piston rings), while others promote removal of condensate from the walls of the fuel tank.