Loosen the nuts of the rear wheels, Poddomkratte car and establish it on props. Remove the wheels.
Support the rear axle assembly trolley jack, lodged under the differential.
Give the lower shock absorber mounting nuts, tighten the shock, remove them from the path (Head Suspension and steering).
Disconnect the propeller shaft from the holder crosses a differential pinion shaft and hang it to the bottom of the back of the car with a piece of wire (Section Checking the status of the transmission line).
Otboltite anti-roll bar on the stability of the link stabilizer (if available).
Remove the parking brake cables from the equalizer (Head Brake system). Remove the stem of the valve control proportsioniruyuschego height sensor on the axle (only for Comanche).
Disconnect the flexible brake hose from tee at the rear axle housing. Plug the end of the hose, or wrap it with a plastic bag to prevent loss of liquid and hit in dirt system.
Secure the coil springs a safety chain in order to avoid formation flying spring after lowering the bridge.
Lower the jack and remove the axle assembly from under the vehicle.
Install in reverse order. Make sure that the nuts U-bolts and bolts of the universal joint yokes are tightened with demanded effort.