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Changes to state standards governing maximum permissible content of harmful substances in exhaust gases of vehicles
From 1 January 2000 the Russian Federation enacted change ?��1 to GOST "The Nature Conservancy. Atmosphere. Limits and methods of measurement of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in exhaust gases of vehicles with petrol engines, "(Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation ?��33 dated February 9, 1999). The content of CO and HC in exhaust gases of cars with mileage to 3,000 kilometers is regulated by the technological standards of manufacturers. For vehicles not equipped with a catalytic converter, the maximum allowable content of CO and HC in the exhaust gas indicated in Table. 1 * (tab. 16.1). For vehicles equipped with a catalytic converter, the maximum allowable content of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the exhaust gases is given in Table. 2 * (tab. 16.2). The frequency of rotation is set by the manufacturer in the technical specifications and operating instructions. If it is not installed, then taken nmin = (800 ?� 50) min -1, npov = (3000 ?� 100) min -1. In accordance with the amended claim. In excess of 1.3 GOST standards specified in the table. 16.1 and 16.2, the vehicle is considered a technical failure and to resolve this problem should not be used.
Table 16.1
Table 16.2 * Tables are given with abbreviations.