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Fault codes
Sending test results continuous monitoring system (incomplete code) mode (07)
1 type of driving cycle If faults are detected in the first test cycle, incomplete codes are recorded in the PCM memory, as well as diagnostic codes. After the pending codes stored in the memory if the PCM believes that the system is OK at any future drive cycle, the PCM erases unfinished codes.
Type 2 driving cycle Code failed system is recorded in the PCM during the first drive cycle. If no fault is detected in the second drive cycle, the PCM believes that the system returned to normal or failure information was erroneous and incomplete code clears. If the problem is also found in a second test cycle, the PCM believes that the system failed and incomplete records and diagnostic codes. After the pending codes stored in the memory if the PCM believes that the system is OK at any future drive cycle, the PCM erases unfinished codes.