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Nissan Patrol (from 1988 to 1997, the year of issue)

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Nissan Patrol
Adjustment and routine maintenance
System of cooling, heating and air conditioning
The power supply system and exhaust
Systems for reducing emissions
Systems of an electric motor
Manual box of a gear change (Manual transmission)
Checking the status of components
Automatic Transmission
Transfer case
Drive shafts
The front and rear axles, chassis and steering
Onboard electric

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Checking the status of components

Models 4.2 l


  1. Wash all the components in a solvent and dry them with compressed air.
  2. Estimate degree of deterioration of components. Check them for damage and deformation, paying special attention to the state of shafts and gears.
  1. Check bearings and couplings for wear, cracks and cavities (see. Accompanying illustration) to vote as freely rotating bearings.

If the bearing is equipped with a separator and its status can not be determined visually, wash bearings thoroughly in a solvent, lightly oil and slowly rotate the hand, checking for the presence of jerks and jamming points.

  1. Label all the components of each of the synchronizer assembly. Slowly remove the synchronizer sleeve from the hub, memorizing installation position moving keys and springs. Sliding keys are biased - make sure that they are not rushed when removing the sleeve. Fold each assembly components separately, to avoid any confusion in the assembly.

To remove the key and sliding the back of the spring with a reverse gear synchronizer hub first, remove using a stripper plate holder and give two bolts previously muffled center hub cap.

  1. Check the hub and clutch synchronizers for signs of wear or damage, paying particular attention to the state of splines and grooves for the installation of the sliding key (component fifth gear synchronizer assembly shown in an accompanying illustration).
1 - gear
2 - moving keys
3 - Coupling
4 - spring
  1. Assess the sliding keys. Check the spring for any signs of damage, deformation and loss of force that.
  2. Check synchronizer ring for cracks and signs of strain. Put the ring on the appropriate gear up to full boarding and using the dipstick blade, measure the gaps between the rings and the gears (see. Accompanying illustration). If you exceed the allowable values gap replace the respective rings.
1 - gear
2 - Synchronizer
  1. Check the condition of the components of the top cover, paying special attention to stocks and shift fork. Worn, deformed and replace the damaged parts.
  2. Inspect the cap shrouds, the selector and gearshift lever control for signs of wear or damage.
  3. Check the transmission housing, and the dome housing lengthening clutch for cracks and other damage.
  4. Do not be restored replace the components.

It makes sense to restore the thread holes in aluminum enclosures. This work is best left to those skilled service station.

If the transmission is disassembled for overhaul, it is advisable to replace the bearings. All retaining rings and cylindrical pins must be replaced without fail. Retaining rings are available in various thicknesses. Measure the desired thickness of the rings during their removal from the drivetrain components.

L models 3.0


  1. Wash all the components in a solvent and dry them with compressed air.
  2. Estimate degree of deterioration of components. Check them for damage and deformation, paying special attention to the state of shafts and gears.
  3. Check the status and freedom of rotation of the bearing.
  4. Label all the components of each of the synchronizer assembly. Slowly remove the synchronizer sleeve from the hub, memorizing installation position moving keys and springs. Sliding keys are biased - make sure that they are not rushed when removing the sleeve. Fold each assembly components separately, to avoid any confusion in the assembly.
  5. Check the hub and clutch synchronizers for signs of wear or damage, paying particular attention to the state of splines and grooves for installation of sliding keys.
  6. Assess the sliding keys. Check the spring for any signs of damage, deformation and loss of force that.
  7. Check synchronizer ring for cracks and signs of strain. Alternately put all the rings (except synchronizer ring reverse gear) to the appropriate gear up to full boarding and using the dipstick blade, measure the gaps between the rings and gears. If you exceed the allowable values gap replace the respective rings.
  8. Place the cone reverse gear on a flat surface and push it to the synchronizer ring. Using a dial-type gauge determine the distance between the back surface of the cone and the locking ring. If the result is greater than 0.7 mm, replace the ring.
  9. Assess the rods and shift forks. Also check for signs of wear or damage to the lock lever and shock.
  10. Inspect the base plate, a dome of coupling and a casing extension for cracks and other damage.
  11. Do not be restored replace the components.

All shut-off and sealing rings, and cylinder pins are subject to replacement without fail. Remember that the retaining rings are different from each other in thickness - measured at their removal. The drafters of the Guidelines also recommend to replace the bearings and seals.

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