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Replacing the motor oil and oil filter
Twice a year or every 10,000 kilometers (whichever comes first)  | Prolonged skin contact with the spent motor oil is dangerous. Use sunscreen and wear gloves during the procedure. Oil-soaked clothes are replaced immediately. |
 | Frequent replacement of motor oil is the main preventive maintenance procedures available amateur mechanics. Over time, the oil is subject to dilution and contamination, leading to premature wear. |
| These tools are needed for changing the motor oil and oil filter. |
1 - drain capacity - should not be too deep, but wide enough to avoid splashing 2 - Rubber gloves - when removing the drain plug and oil filter oil will inevitably fall on your hands (gloves protect against burns) 3 - Gate - sometimes the drain plug is tightened very tight, and it is necessary the use of giving a long gate. It is also possible to use a suitable spanner size 4 - Sensing head - is used with collar or ratchet drive (should correspond to the size of the head of the drain plug 5 - Key to remove the oil filter - a metal strap wrench, to which requires a certain space around the filter. Such a key is not needed for all types of engines 6 - Key to remove the oil filter - the key is put on the bottom of the filter and can be rotated by a ratchet drive or gates (for different types of filters are the keys of different sizes). Such a key is not needed for all types of engines
| - Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary tools. You should also have on hand a sufficient number of rags or old newspapers to collect spilled oil.
- Start the engine and warm it up to normal operating temperature - warm oil and sludge better flow from the engine. If you want to buy a new oil filter, or any instruments, ride them on the car, so you will at the same time warmed up engine oil.
- Park the vehicle on a level surface and turn off the engine when it is sufficiently warmed up. Remove the filler cap Gulf oil to the cylinder head cover.
- To access the drain plug and oil filter Poddomkratte car and reliably establish it on support.
 | In no case do not work under the vehicle supported only by hydraulic or scissor jack - always use support! |
- When you first came to produce oil change on this car, get under it and read the location of the drain plug and oil filter. Note that on some engines, the oil filter is located in the upper left part of the engine. In carrying out this procedure, the components of the exhaust system will be hot, so notice, where the pipe so as not to come into contact with them in the process.
- Trying not to touch the heated components, install the drain container under the drain plug at the bottom of the engine.
- Clean the area around the plug, and then take the cork. It recommended for Give cork for the last few turns to use rubber gloves, not to get burns from hot oil. During unscrewing the plug try to press it to the crankcase, and then pull it sharply. This will help you to avoid hand contact with the jet of hot oil, as well as the possibility of loss of traffic jams in the drain capacity.
| Giving Away the drain plug. |
- With the weakening of oil pressure in the flow, you may need to change provisions of the container under the sump. Check out the old oil for metal particles, it can alert you in advance about the deterioration of the engine.
- After draining the old oil drain plug, wipe with a clean cloth. Any, even the smallest metal particles adhering to the tube immediately contaminate the new oil.
- Install the plug and tighten it. If necessary, use a new washer.
- Install drain capacity in place under the oil filter.
Oil Filter, the disposable type | - Eversible Loosen the oil filter by turning it counterclockwise to remove the key filters. You can use any filter wrench.
- Sometimes eversible filter tightened so tight that it is not easy to let go. In this case, try it with a metal bar or a long screwdriver through and using it as a gateway, turn the filter. Be prepared for the fact that the punching of the filter housing of the oil falls upon him.
- Releasing the filter, remove his hands from the cylinder. After removing the filter quickly flip it open end up to prevent oil spills.
- Clean cloth to wipe the surface of the cylinder. Make sure that none of the old O-ring is not stuck in the mounting surface of the block. If necessary, they can be removed with a scraper.
- Make sure that the type of the new filter corresponds to the old. Lubricate the motor oil the rubber seal of the new filter and install it in place. Do not use a filter wrench, t. To. The tug of the filter will damage the seal. Most manufacturers recommend that filters tighten their hands only. They are usually made to delay by three quarters of a revolution after touching the sealing ring with the unit, but it is best to follow the instructions on the filter.
| - Before you install a filter on the engine lubricate the O-ring clean motor oil.
The oil filter with replaceable element All models | - Remove from the vehicle all the tools and rags, trying not to spill the oil from the drain capacitance, then lower the car on the ground.
- Fill with new engine oil through the neck into the cylinder head cover. To avoid oil spillage on the engine, use a funnel. Pour the engine specified in the Specifications of fresh oil. Wait a few minutes to allow the oil to drain into the oil pan, and then check the level dipstick (see. Section Check of levels of liquids). If the level is within normal limits, close the lid neck.
- Start the engine and let it run for about a minute. Warning light for low oil pressure may take a few seconds to shut down until the new oil filter fills; while it is lit, do not turn off the engine. While the engine look under the car and check for leakage around the drain plug and oil filter. If there is a leak, turn off the engine and a little hold on the cap and / or a filter.
- Wait a few minutes and then check the oil level. If necessary, top up.
- The first few days after the oil change frequently check the level and the presence of signs of leaks.
- Drain the used oil from the engine in its present form it can not be reused and must be thrown away. Centers for recycling and some repair shops may accept used oil, which can then be recycled. Once drained oil has cooled, it can be poured into a suitable container and send to the collection point.
 | To drain the used oil, contact your local collection point mining. |