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Changing the oil filter
All engines are equipped with a high-quality Hyundai, disposable oil filter. This filter is recommended as a replacement filter on all cars. To ensure the normal operation of the motor should be used only high-quality filters. When replacing the filter, make sure that the rubber gasket from the old oil filter is completely removed from the mating surface of the cylinder.  | When replacing the engine oil, be careful because the oil is hot and may cause burns. |
Gasoline engines | | - Special wrench, remove the oil filter.
| - Grease with a thin layer of engine oil rubber sealing ring of the new oil filter.
| - Replace the oil filter and tighten it to torque. Torque: 12-16 N ??? m.
- Start the engine and check for oil leaks
- After stopping the engine, check the oil level and, if necessary, finish it to norm.
Diesel engines
| | - Loosen the oil drain plug with a copper washer and drain a small amount of engine oil to the oil filter.
- Loosen the plastic top cover until the O-ring, then drain the engine oil. (Use a wrench 09263 - 27100).
- Remove the top cover. Make sure that the oil filter cartridge is removed together with the plastic top cover.
- Replace with a new filter element oil filter and O-ring.
| - Tighten the top cover of the oil filter torque. Torque: 23-25 N ??? m.
- Replace the plug a new copper washer and screw the plug in the bottom of the aluminum cover. Torque: 8.10 N ??? m.
- Start the engine and check for oil leaks.
- After stopping the engine, check the oil level and, if necessary, finish it to norm.