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Dismantling components
Dismantling of all components must be carried out in such a manner that at assemblage each detail could be set to its original location and in the right way. Memorize the characteristic features of the appearance, if required produce marked landing parts which are installed in place can be made a mixed manner (such elements include, for example, equipped with a thrust washer groove on shaft). A good idea would be the location of the removed parts on a clean work surface in the order in which they performed the removal. It will be useful also to compose simple schematic sketches or photographs to be step by step dismantling of the component. When removing fasteners try to make the marking of its initial position in the assembly. Often, the immediate installation of fixture and washers to their original location after the removal of the relevant parts avoids confusion in the assembly. In the absence of such a possibility, all fixture should be put in a specially prepared for this purpose broken into sections and suitably marked box, or just for individual-marked box. Such a course of action is particularly useful when working with components composed of many small parts such as carburetor, alternator, valve mechanism, the instrument panel or decorative trim elements. When disconnecting the electrical contacts and connectors should be given to labeling wires and harnesses with electrical tape coated with a numeric or alphanumeric code.