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Check of functioning and replacement of components of system of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC)
Management of idling is made by means of additional air valve (IAC). The valve provides a change in the volume of air supplied to the intake manifold, bypassing. It controls the operation of the valve control module PCM with the changes in the operating conditions of the engine (switching on / off the air conditioner and the system hydrostrengthening steering, engine temperature and other conditions). Check The company recommends that Chrysler used to check the system of special diagnostic tool that is included in series between the IAC motor and electrical harness connector. There are several ways to check the functioning of the IAC by the amateur mechanic, but they are very limited and inconclusive in the case of a stable failure. | - Disconnect the electrical connector IAC valve and carefully listen to the changes the idle speed of the engine. Reconnect the connector, turn on the air conditioner and listen again to change speeds. When the engine is cold the engine IAC change idle speed, causing them to fluctuate as the engine warms up, the same applies to the case of turning on the air conditioner. In the absence of obvious signs of the operation of the motor IAC continue checking.
- Using a voltmeter, check the voltage on the motor IAC - measure the voltage on the supply half of the motor connector. With the engine running voltage should be present. If you change the engine speed from top to bottom (or vice versa), the voltage should fluctuate between values of 2.0 and 6.0 V. The results of this test is rather difficult to interpret because of their dependence on changes in operating conditions of the engine.
| - Measure the voltage on the brown and white wire (terminal B) and yellow-red wire (terminal A) connector with the ignition (key in position ON, the engine is not running) (shown engine displacement of 5.2 liters).
- If pressure is absent, make troubleshooting electrical circuit IAC in the workshop of dealer branch or a service station.
- If the processor provides the power supply to the motor IAC, make sure that the motor is not jammed or out of order. Remove the engine and leaving it connected, turn the ignition key to ON (without starting the engine). If the plunger is drawn, start the engine and make sure vydviganii plunger to compensate for the increase idle speed. You need to plug the gap in the housing for installation of the throttle motor IAC.
 | If the pin is pushed, the engine must be turned off before it will more than 6.3 mm. Failure to comply with this requirement is fraught with failure of the IAC motor and should be replaced. Since last remark is reasonable to use when performing this test using the assistant, whose task will be to team turning the ignition key. |
| - Take control IAC from the throttle body, it does not disunite an electric socket. Make sure that the plunger is moved first when the ignition (key in position ON), and then when you start the engine.
Replacement | - Disconnect the electrical connector valve IAC.
- Give fixing screws and remove the IAC valve to the intake manifold.
| - Give the fastening screws of the valve IAC (engine displacement of 5.2 liters).
| - Tighten the screws on the valve IAC (engine displacement of 4.0 liters).
- Install in reverse order. Do not forget to replace the O-ring.