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Automotive chemicals, oils and greases
Cleaner for injection systems, and air dampers is a potent solvent resins, varnish and carbon deposits. Most of cleaners leaves a lubricating film of dry type, which does not solidify nor zasmalivaetsya over time. That is due to the formation of such a film these cleaners are not recommended for washing electrical components.
Cleaner for brake systems used to remove grease and brake fluid from the surfaces of the components of brake system where absolute cleanliness is the primary condition for effective functioning. The cleaner does not leave any traces and in many cases eliminates the screeching brakes, causing pollution of their components.
Cleaner for electrical components promotes elimination of oxide films, corrosion and deposit from contact surfaces without breaking the electrical conductivity. Can also be used to clean the spark plugs, nozzles, voltage regulators, and other sites where the desired is a complete removal of oil and grease.
Desiccants are used to remove water and moisture from the surfaces of electric components such as the alternator, voltage regulator, fuse box, electrical connectors, etc. Dehumidifiers are generally non-conductive, non-corrosive and non-flammability.
Degreasers are supersilnodeystvuyuschie solvents used to remove grease from the external surfaces of the engine and chassis components. It is produced in the form of aerosols or applied with a brush or a brush, and depending on the type, washed with water or the solvent.
Lubricating fluids
Motor oils are specially designed formulations for lubricating the internal components of the engine. Usually contains a wide range of different kinds of additives that are used to prevent foaming and corrosion. Motor oil produced varying degrees of viscosity - from 5 to 80. The need for oil of a grade is generally defined climatic conditions and the requirements of the particular engine. Liquid (light) oil commonly used in cold climates and at low engine loads. Heavy (viscous) oils are used in hot conditions and under high load on the engine. Multigrade oils have characteristics of both light and heavy oils, and usually have designations from 5W-20 and 20W-50.
Quality of motor oil
Multigrade oils are relatively inexpensive oils with following qualities:
- Year-round use in temperate zones; - Excellent detergent properties; - Good lubricity at all temperatures and engine loads; - High stability of the initial properties for a long time.
Multigrade oils with improved anti-friction properties are also additional advantages:
- Year-round use for almost every possible outdoor temperatures; - Minor loss of engine power due to friction; - Facilitating cold start - even at very low temperatures.  | Seasonal oil due to their inherent specific viscosity-temperature properties generally can not be used all year round. Therefore, these oils should only be used in extreme climates.
When using multigrade oils grade SAE 5W-30, to avoid prolonged operation at high engine speed and a constant high load on the engine. These restrictions do not apply to multigrade oils with improved anti-friction properties. |
Additives for engine oil Do not add any additives that reduce friction loss to motor oils.
Stick to the rule: always use the appropriate engine oil is a high quality brand (classification) and not risk mixing it with the same synthetic (or semisynthetic) oil. The engine for this thank reliable operation. Do not buy oil from hands, as the packaging is easy to forge.
Transmission oil developed for use in differentials, transmissions, and other sites that require resistance to high temperatures.
Grease for chassis components and wheel bearing grease is applied to sites subject to high loads and abrasion, such as wheel bearings, suspension ball joints, tie-rods and universal joints.
High-temperature grease for wheel bearings capable of withstanding high temperatures, resulting in wheel bearings of vehicles equipped with disc brakes. Typically contains molybdenum disulfide, being a dry type lubricant.
White grease (Tsiatim) is a grease applied at a contact between metal surfaces in the places where there are problems with increased humidity. It remains soft at low and at high temperatures, is not washed or diluted with water.
Assembly lubricant is a special grease for use at high pressures, typically contains molybdenum and is used for the lubrication of units subject to high loads (such as the main and connecting rod bearings and cam lobe) before the first engine start after the completion of renovation.
Silicone grease used to protect rubber, plastic, vinyl and nylon components.
Graphite lubricant used for applications where oil can not be used since problems with contamination (e.g., locks). Dry Graphite excellent lubricating metal parts to prevent their exposure to moisture, acids and other corrosive contaminants. The lubricant is electrically conductive and does not break the contact in such sites, such as the ignition lock.
Penetrating molybdenum compounds used to facilitate the give "become attached" fixture, and also to lubricate its mounting in order to avoid future corrosion.
Thermally conductive grease is non-conductive and is used for installation of electronic ignition units, which are required to intense heat.
RTV sealant is the most widely used liquid gasket. It is made on the basis of silicon, it stiffens on air, provides hermetic sealing, bonding, is water-resistant, filling defects in surfaces, remains elastic, does not shrink and does not shrink, is relatively easy to remove and is used in addition to almost all gaskets at the sites where the temperature does not exceed the average values .
Anaerobic sealant unlike RTV sealant can be applied not only in addition to the spacers, but also for the formation thereof. It remains flexible, resistant to solvents and well fills uneven surfaces. The main difference from the RTV sealant is curing conditions. If hermetic RTV starts to stiffen after being hit in the air, the anaerobic sealant arises only in the absence of air. This means that such solidification occurs only after the sealant assembly components and heavier pressing them together.
Hermetic for pipes and threaded connections used for sealing compression fittings hydraulic, pneumatic and vacuum lines. Usually made based on PTFE compound and comes in the form of aerosols, the deposition of liquids such as paint or tape form (FUM).
Antiprihvatyvayuschy compound used to prevent "kick is" corrosion, seizing and cold welding fixture. High antiprihvatyvayuschie sealants are usually made on the basis of copper or graphite lubricants and fasteners used in the exhaust system and the exhaust manifold.
Anaerobic prihvatyvaet compounds are used to prevent inadvertent fastening of give under the influence of vibration and solidify only after installation in the absence of contact with air. Average power grab compounds are used for fixation of small fasteners (nuts, bolts, screws) which are subject to regular giving of the future. High-compounds are commonly used to block a major fixture, the giving is not performed on a regular basis.
Additives to the oil used to change the chemical properties of the oil, without changing its viscosity in order to reduce the internal friction in the engine. It should be noted that the majority of manufacturers producing motor oils, warn against the use of any additives to it.
Fuel additives perform several functions, depending on their chemical composition. Usually contain the solvents promoting the removal of residues and removal of carbon from the inner surfaces of the component and the fuel injection system and intake tract. Furthermore, the use of such additives promotes the removal of carbon deposits forming on the walls of the combustion chambers. In the composition of certain additives include substances serving for lubrication of the component parts of the upper cylinder head (valve train, piston rings), while others promote removal of condensate from the walls of the fuel tank.
Brake fluid - is a specially designed compound that can withstand high temperatures and pressures that occur in the brake system. Do not allow brake fluid to contact painted surfaces of the car and open areas of the body. Brake fluid is poisonous. Keep the brake fluid in sealed containers to prevent the ingress of moisture in it (the liquid is highly hygroscopic) and dirt.
During operation of the vehicle brake fluid takes a certain amount of water from the surrounding air. Too much water in the brake fluid may, ultimately, lead to corrosion of parts braking system. Furthermore, this significantly decreases when the boiling point of brake fluid.
Therefore it is necessary every two years to change the brake fluid!  | In very old brake fluid may under heavy load on the braking system, the occurrence of vapor bubbles in the system. This adversely affects the efficiency of the braking system and thus traffic safety.
You must use only the recommended brake fluid (refer to specifications). |
Glue for fastening of sealing strips of body openings, as is clear from its name, it is used for fastening of sealing strips of apertures of doors, windows and covers the luggage compartment. It can be used to fix interior trim elements.
Anti-corrosion coatings for underbody is gudronoobrazny composition, made of oil-based, and serves as a protective coating for metal surfaces to prevent corrosion. Furthermore, the function of sound insulation of the passenger compartment.
Waxes and polishes are used to protect painted surfaces from environmental influences. Different types of paint may require the use of different types of waxes and polishes. The composition of some polishes contain abrasive or chemical additives serving to remove the outer layer of oxides (tarnishing) from painted surfaces of old cars. Recently, on the market are well represented various kinds of non-wax polish, which include a variety of chemical additives, such as polymers or silicon-based material. These polishes are usually easier to apply and last longer usual (wax).