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Automatic Transmission 722.6
Cut automatic transmission
| 1 - The input shaft 2 - ECU 3 - Intermediate shaft 4 - Locking gear parking 5 - Output shaft 6 - Oil Pump 7 - Torque 8 - shaft reactor 9 - Locking torque converter clutch B1 - multi-disk brake assembly B1 B2 - multi-disk brake assembly B2 B3 - B3 multi-disk brake assembly | F1 - F1 Flywheel F2 - F2 Flywheel H - Rear planetary assembly K1 - multi-disk clutch K1 K2 - K2 multi-disk clutch K3 - multi-disk clutch K3 M - Central planetary assembly V - Front planetary assembly |
Automatic transmission in the process of pulling away, the function of ordinary coupling, and during movement performs work on the gearshift lever.
The main units of the AT are: a torque converter, planetary gears and hydraulic and electronic control system. To move to a different gear ratio in the planetary gear unit are applied by hydraulic disc brakes and clutch disk.
Torque converter on the functions corresponds to hydraulic clutch. Its task is the implementation of the clutch when starting and changing gears.
Transmission control system (known as a synchronous system of electronic switch) is part of a modified engine management system, is only installed on models with automatic transmission. The control system can operate in a special safe mode, which switches when it detects a fault. At the same modes of transmission are limited, and the car can be driven to a repair shop. When the system goes into safe mode control on the dashboard warning lamp (see Chapter Operating Instructions). Analyzing the information from various sensors (sensors not only directly related to the transmission), the control system selects the optimum in terms of the economy, smoothness, etc. operation box. At a certain position of the throttle valve control system can lock the torque converter in a way that will include only the fourth and fifth gears. This achieves a considerable reduction in fuel consumption. The only regular maintenance procedure is to check the box fluid level (refer to Section Checking the oil level automatic transmission). Regularly change the transmission fluid is not necessary.
Near the radiator cooling system installed transmission fluid cooler.
Traditional mode switch Kick-Down there. Enabling this mode is carried out directly by the transmission control after processing the information coming from the throttle position sensor.
There are several modes of transmission, each of which can be activated after moving the selector lever into one of the following positions: P, R, N, D, 1, 2, 3, 4 (see Chapter Operating Instructions).
The engine can be started only when the selector is in position P or N. This is done in order to prevent movement of the vehicle when attempting to run (if the selector is in one of the other positions). By analyzing the information coming from the sensors, the control system enables or disables the starting of the engine. The locations of various relays are specified in Chapter Onboard electric equipment.