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Battery - basic information and the acquisition of new battery
Refer also to Section Checking, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers.
12 installed in the battery consists of six cans containing positive and negative plates, which are omitted in the sulfuric acid solution. The task of the battery current comes to start the generation of an automobile, for ignition and lighting, as well as other power consumers. The battery has a 100% efficiency at 27 ?� C. At -18 ?� C the efficiency drops to 40%. Now, in order to start the engine, it is necessary to have more than two times more energy than is required at 27 ?� C.
Starting capacity (starting current) shows the ability of the battery to start the car in very cold weather. It shows the current in amperes, which gives the battery for 30 seconds at -18 ?� C without the voltage drops below 7.2 volts (the minimum level required for reliable start). The higher the score, the greater the starting power of the battery.
Standby power shows the time in minutes during which the battery gives the current 25 Amps at 27 ?� C., Ie the time during which the battery ensures the operation of all the auxiliary equipment in the car at night and in bad weather at the faulty generator.
In winter conditions at -18 ?� C and lower charged battery will be bad because of increase of internal resistance. For short trips in the winter the energy spent battery to run, it can not be restored. As a result, battery operated wear continuously discharged and eventually fails.
In the summer months after long trips the engine heats up, and often happens that it is difficult to start again. Such "hot starts" sometimes demand as much capacity, how much and in cold weather, or more. This especially applies to vysokokompressionnye engines with a large working volume and cars with air conditioning. This once again underlines the importance of correct choice of battery in accordance with the motor car.
Purchase a new battery
Perhaps most importantly, what should pay attention to the buyer - is the battery performance. Their three. The first - rated voltage, it at all batteries identical, and it is impossible to make a mistake. When buying is advisable to check the battery load fork. The second - the capacity measured in amperes / hours (Ah), is roughly the amount of electricity stored in the battery. From the tank it depends on how long it is possible to turn the starter motor, or more precisely - how much can you make attempts to start the engine. Price Battery almost directly proportional to its capacity. The third characteristic - the starting current (measured in amps. A), ie, current supplied to the starter motor during starting. On its accumulators can specify on four different systems: GOST (on domestic), EN (the standard of Uniform Europe), SAE (the American standard) and DIN. Last, German standard, is closest to our guest, and in most European put "by default", ie when the system standard is not indicated. What it is, the faster and more power provernetsya starter motor.
It is better if you buy the battery with the characteristics specified in the instruction manual of your car: so it will last you longer at the minimum expenses. You can save and buy a battery of smaller capacity, but will serve it to you less than usual term and poorly cope with winter start. Having bought the battery even slightly larger capacity, you do not win in a Lifetime, because Permanent undercharged battery will cause sulfation plates, and lose money. It is better to change the oil in the engine, and the problems with the launch will not be.
The battery must be required to indicate the country of origin and produced by the plant, it is better if the address. Second - must indicate the date of manufacture, which is very important if the battery is filled. Each battery must be attached technical certificate, but the presence of optional instructions. This is due to the fact that in the West accumulators almost do not sell at retail, they are established experts at service stations. The third - the qualitative accumulator is inconceivable without high-quality housing, good stoppers and smooth pin terminals, often lubricated technical protective greasing from oxidation and covered from above with colored plastic caps.