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The power supply petrol and diesel engines
Arrangement of components of control systems. Models C240 and C320
| 1 - Connector measuring the fuel pressure 2 - Fuel pipe 3 - Fuel Tank 4 - The carbon adsorber | 5 - Fuel filter with integrated pressure regulator 6 - line engine fueling 7 - canister purge control valve |
Gasoline engines The composition of the fuel system are: installed in the rear of the car (under the rear bench seat) fuel tank to the adsorption on activated carbon, fuel, electric fuel pump, and the electronic system of sequential injection, controlled by the control unit. Functional diagram of the control system and the location of the sensors are shown in the accompanying illustrations.
Fuel is displayed to the driver on the instrument panel. In the gasoline engine gasoline vapors are collected in the absorber and fed into the combustion chambers of the engine.
A significant impact on fuel consumption has a style of driving. Below are a few tips for the wise management of the gas pedal.
?� After starting the engine once started, even if it takes place in the cold. ?� If the vehicle is stopped for a time more than 40 seconds, turn off the engine. ?� Move always on the highest possible gear. ?� When driving long distances as far as possible to maintain a uniform speed. Avoid driving at high speed. Operate the vehicle with caution. Without need do not brake. ?� Do not carry unnecessary load on the car. If the trunk is not in use, remove it from the rooftops. ?� Check the tire pressure. Avoid excessive pressure drop. Diesel engines The composition of the fuel system are: installed in the rear of the car (under the rear bench seat) fuel tank, fuel filter, fuel injectors, fuel pipes and hoses, fuel reserve sensor located inside the tank and the engine electronic control unit.
Fuel is supplied through a special pump filter. In the filter accumulates dirt and the water contained in the fuel.
The motor controlled by an electronic system, a control system similar to petrol engines. The system controls the operation of the engine, analyzing information from a large number of sensors.
On diesel models, no accelerator cable. Instead, the pedal position sensor is installed it.
Fuel shut-off valve when the ignition is absent. In order to stop the engine when the ignition, the engine control unit sends a signal to pump control unit which, in turn, stops the supply of fuel to the injectors.
The fuel system is designed in such a way as to prevent "choke" the absence of air in the fuel tank. The control unit continuously checks the fuel level in the tank, processing information from the sensor supply of fuel in the tank. In the fall of fuel supply to a certain level control unit lights the warning lamp on the dashboard, and then force is missing fuel supply, thereby limiting the maximum speed. This continues until the fuel level in the tank does not exceed the allowable mark.
Fuel system Diesel engines are very reliable. When using cleaner fuels and performing regular maintenance, it must function properly until the end of life of the vehicle. After a very high mileage internal components can wear out nozzles, and will need to be repaired. Since the injectors have a complex construction, repair is recommended to a specialist workshop.
Security measures and rules of observance of cleanliness at work with fuel system ??? Do not use near a workplace open fire, do not smoke and do not hold any strongly heated objects. There is a risk of an accident! Keep a fire extinguisher at the ready. ?� Watch for normal ventilation of the workplace. Fuel vapors are poisonous. ?� The fuel system is under pressure. With the opening of the fuel pressure can escape. Collect fuel with a rag. Wear protective glasses. ?� When working with the components of the power supply system of the diesel engine, observe special precautionary measures. In particular it concerns the injectors. Keep in mind that the fuel pressure at the outlet of the nozzles is about 1100 atmospheres. Do not allow any body parts under the stream of fuel. ?� Hose connections are secured using tape or clamps. Clamps must always be replaced by the band clamps or final design. To set the tie strap has a special device, for example HAZET 796-5. ?� Links and adjacent space before opening thoroughly clean. ?� Remove parts install on a clean surface and cover. Apply for this polyethylene or paper. Do not use this fibrous tissue! ?� Carefully cover the exposed parts or put technological plugs if the repair will last for some time. ?� Set in place only clean parts. Spare parts, remove from the packaging until immediately before installation. Do not use parts that are stored unpackaged (eg, stored in the tool box). ?� When you open the fuel system as much as possible, do not work with compressed air. If possible, do not move with the car. ?� Do not use sealants containing silicone. Caught in the engine elements silicone do not burn in the engine and damage the Lambda probe. Safety precautions when removing the fuel tank ?� Before removing the tank, drain the fuel or the fuel pump out specially provided for this pump. ?� The fuel tank is removed from the underside of the vehicle. Before removing the clamps securing the tank, move it to the bottom of the jack and the pad. ?� Empty the tank is explosive and can not be disposed of as such. Before disposing of the tank should be cut into pieces. Make sure that when it did not have the spark. To do this, turn in the fuel tank in a specialized company. ?� After installing the tank in place, start the engine and check the tightness of all connections.