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Battery - general information, tips for maintenance
Mounted on the car 12-volt battery consists of six cans are placed in the positive and negative plates (lamellae) immersed in a sulfuric acid solution. The main task of the current generation of an battery is required for starting the engine, the ignition / activation of the glow plugs and lighting, as well as to provide power to other board or auxiliary power consumers. One hundred percent efficiency occurs when the battery ambient temperature of 27 ?� C, -18 ?� C impact efficiency drops to 40%, and for starting the engine is required in a little over two times more energy. Starting capacity (starting current) shows the ability of the battery to start the car in very cold weather. It shows the current in amperes, which gives the battery for 30 seconds at -18 ?� C without the voltage drops below 7.2 volts (the minimum level required for reliable start). The higher the score, the greater the starting power of the battery. Standby power shows the time in minutes during which the battery sends a current of 25 ampere at 27 ?� C, ie, the time during which the battery ensures the operation of all the auxiliary equipment in the car at night and in bad weather at the faulty generator. In winter conditions, at temperatures below -18 ?� C charging efficiency of a battery decreases due to the increase in internal resistance. For short trips in the winter the energy spent battery to start the engine, does not have time to recover and the battery starts working on the wear and gradually discharged and, in the end, fails permanently. In the summer months when long trips the engine heats up, and often happens that it is difficult to start again. In such "hot" starts sometimes less energy is consumed not require a battery than cold weather. The above is especially true for vysokokompressionnym engines with a large cylinder capacity, as well as equipped with an air conditioning system model. Disconnecting the negative wire | On models appropriately manned access cover (B) to the battery is placed under chashkoderzhatelya adjustable assembly (A) |
| Attachment of the battery (G 1) |
| - Connect to a standard auxiliary battery pack.
| | - At a corresponding complete set models (code ET2) activate the service mode of the emergency call TELE AID (see. Section Activate / deactivate the service mode of the emergency call AID TELE).
- On models corresponding complete set (code FG2) chashkoderzhatel remove (A).
- Remove the access cover (B) in the rear footswitch well.
- Disconnect the negative wire from the battery (G1) negative lead (2).
- Connecting is done in reverse order. Do not forget to make the service mode deactivation system TELE AID.
 | Elimination of the auxiliary battery is associated with the need to introduce security activation code the radio! |
Removing the battery | - Disconnect the battery negative cable (See above.).
- Remove the clamp.
- Disconnect the battery positive cable.
- Remove the battery from the installation niche.
- Installation is in the reverse order.
Purchase a new battery The above indicates the importance of the correct choice of the battery within the parameters of the engine and the complete vehicle. The first thing to look for when buying a new battery - it is her performance. Such characteristics - three. First, the nominal output voltage, which has the same value (12) for all common on passenger cars, which virtually eliminates the chance of error.  | When buying is advisable to check the battery load fork. |
Second: Capacity, measured in amperes / hours (A / h) and is roughly determined by the supply of electricity in the battery. The choice of the value of this parameter depends on how long the battery is able to provide the ability to cranking the engine, more precisely - how much can you make attempts to start the engine. The price of the battery is almost directly proportional to its capacity. The third characteristic: the inrush current, measured in amperes (A), ie, current supplied to the starter when starting the engine. The amount of inrush current to the battery can be indicated in four different standards: Standard (for domestic battery), EN (the standard of Uniform Europe), SAE (the American standard) and DIN (Germany). Last, German standard, is closest to our guests and most European production of batteries is put "by default", ie when the system standard is not indicated. The inrush current is, the more momentum is developing starter and the more torque it is able to transfer the engine flywheel. Ideally, acquired replaceable battery in performance must fully comply with the requirements specified in the instruction manual of the car, under which its service life will be maximized. Purchase a battery of smaller capacity can hardly be considered a good saving money as it lasts significantly less and, moreover, can lead to unpleasant trouble of starting the engine in winter. Do not buy the battery with an excessively high inrush current - a passion carries a risk of failure of the starter. If a standard does not ensure proper battery to crank the engine, it would be correct to begin to replace the motor oil - that is likely to lead to the automatic elimination of problems. Recently, the country's market is full of poor quality goods and fakes. The battery is no exception. There are several grounds on which it is possible with a sufficient degree of probability to distinguish the original from a fake. The first, and perhaps most importantly: the battery case should be required to indicate the country of origin and the manufacturing plant, it is better if the address. Second, must indicate the date manufacturing, which is of particular importance for a sealed battery (maintenance-free) type. The package must include product data, while the availability of instruction is not strictly necessary, due to the fact that the West batteries hardly arrive in retail sales, and their installation on the vehicle is usually carried out car specialists. Third, quality Batteries are of good appearance. The body must have smooth edges, be equipped with reliable and smooth caps, hooded protective caps pole terminals, which are often covered by a layer of a special anti-corrosion lubricant. Charging the battery Charging the failed battery should be done in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions charger. Procedures for basic programming After the restoration of catering is necessary to make the following basic programming procedure. | - Turn on the ignition, then turn actuators activate windows side windows, fully raise and hold down the last corresponding switch is pressed for a further 1 second. Switch off the ignition.
- When you disconnect the power supply board the ESP control unit switches to emergency mode, which is accompanied by the withdrawal of the screen multifunction display message ?�EL. STAB. PROGRAM GO TO GARAGE ?�. To return to the ESP system to normal operation, you must activate the sensor Steering angle: run the engine at idle, then turn the steering wheel from lock to lock, in conclusion, returning it to the neutral position - must disappear from the screen. Switch off the ignition.
- Turn on the ignition and move the motor drive the front seat all the way forward, - continue to hold down the appropriate radio button for another order of 1 second. Repeat the same procedure with a head restraint, raising the latter in its highest position. Switch off the ignition.