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Nissan Patrol (from 1988 to 1997, the year of issue)

general info. full specifications. diagnostics. hints. tips. tricks
Nissan Patrol
Adjustment and routine maintenance
System of cooling, heating and air conditioning
The power supply system and exhaust
Systems for reducing emissions
Systems of an electric motor
Manual box of a gear change (Manual transmission)
Checking the status of components
Automatic Transmission
Transfer case
Drive shafts
The front and rear axles, chassis and steering
Onboard electric

Hit Counter by Digits

print page printable version


Models 4.2 l

The assembly is done in order to draw the order of removal.

For the lubrication of components with a multipurpose grease on lithium based, unless another type of grease otherwise noted in the description of the order fulfillment process.


  1. Before assembly, lubricate all the components of the recommended lubricant grades.
  1. Assemble the synchronizer of 1/2 transfers in accordance with applied during the dismantling of labels. Make sure that the sliding keys turned properly aligned with the three V-shaped grooves in the slots of the coupling. Locks of springs must not be contrary (see. Accompanying illustration).
  1. Assemble the synchronizer of 3/4 transfers (including tags). Ensure registration key with grooves. Set spring (locks in different directions). The hooks at the ends of the springs need to get into a corresponding hole in the hub of the synchronizer.
  2. Given labels Assemble reverse gear synchronizer. Make sure that the clutch was the narrow end facing toward the rear side of the hub and spring locks were turned in different directions. Using press them mandrel holder plate on the hub is flush with the end face of the latter.
  3. Install the synchronizer ring, reverse gear and roller bearing assembly of the synchronizer of a reverse gear (observe the direction of installation parts). Place the assembly in the press, resting support plates synchronizer hub and set the output shaft.
  4. Set the output shaft in the press, resting support plates reverse gear, and put on the shaft first gear, bearing and synchronizer ring.

Blocking the first and second ring gears are not interchangeable. Ring first transmission characterized by the presence of three passes in the teeth (see. Accompanying illustration).

1 - synchronizer ring 1st gear
2 - synchronizer ring 2nd gear
3 - pass
  1. Put 1/2 synchronizer hub gears on the driven shaft (use a press and suitable mandrel). Ensure that the grooves in the hub were turned away from the first gear (see. Accompanying illustration).
1 - hub
2 - groove
  1. Measure the side clearance between the snap ring and the synchronizer hub. Compare result of measurement with the regulatory requirements (see. Table sizes and adjustments in the end of this manual). Pick a new lock ring required thickness.
  2. Put on the driven shaft synchronizer ring and the second transmission second gear. Install sleeve bearing gear third gear (use the press and suitable mandrel). Make sure that the flange couplings proved facing towards the second gear.
  3. Put on the output shaft bearing, the third gear and synchronizer ring. Install the shaft in the press, bearing plates propped his butt.
  4. Fit the shaft assembly 3/4 gear synchronizer. Ensure that the oil groove in the hub face turned toward the third speed gear.
  1. Check axial lyuf
    1. Measure the side clearance between the snap ring and the synchronizer hub (see. Accompanying illustration). Compare the result with the data tables of the sizes and adjustments and pick up a new ring of the desired thickness.
    m gears of first, second, third, and reverse gear positions as described above.
  2. Put the bearing on the input shaft, making sure that the snap ring groove in the outer race turned turned away from the gear input shaft and then propped support plates bearing press-fit into a shaft.
  3. Put the spacer sleeve on the primary shaft and measure a backlash between a lock ring and sleeve. Compare result of measurement with the regulatory requirements (see. Table sizes and adjustments in the end of this manual), pick up a new lock ring required thickness.
  4. Replace the intermediate shaft holder ring gear and measure the backlash between the locking ring and the holder. Pick up the new ring of the desired thickness. Remove the holder with the intermediate shaft.
  5. Lubricate the grease steel ball and set the ball, gear ring, diaphragm spring and the holder on the front of the intermediate shaft. Make sure that the concave side of the spring turned out to be facing the gear ring.
  6. Install the new circlip desired thickness on the intermediate shaft so that it is pressed against the holder. Use a suitable mandrel and press them to the intermediate retaining ring to fit it into the groove. Remove the mandrel and check the fit of the ring.
  7. Fit the inner holder of the front and rear bearings on the intermediate shaft (use a suitable mandrel). Back install a narrow cage.
  8. Install the transaxle transmission intermediate gear wheel transmission thrust washers. Make sure that the tabs on the puck hit the groove, and the speed gear side facing forward (as before the disassembly). Install the countershaft reverse gear and the locking tab. Tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort. Components countershaft reverse gear are shown in the accompanying illustration.
1 - a bolt
2 - locking plate
3 - a shaft
4 - thrust washer
5 - bearings
6 - gear
  1. Set the transmission case intermediate input and output shafts. Turn intermediate shaft so that its combined segment and the teeth of the ring appeared in front of the driven shaft.
  2. Install the synchronizer ring and guide bearing output shaft (use grease), then hold the shaft and align the flat segment gear synchronizer input shaft with the hole of the top cover, then set the input shaft using a hammer with soft brisk.
  3. Align the intermediate shaft and with a hammer with soft brisk install front bearing outer race. Make sure that the bearing was rotated flared part of the separator rollers in the direction of the intermediate shaft.
  4. Support the countershaft and install the rear bearing outer race (again, use a hammer with soft brisk).
  5. Press section solid board in front of the intermediate transmission shaft and rotate so that the board stops at the solid support. Put grease on the thrust washer (beveled back on the shaft), then slide the sleeve bearing reverse gear on the intermediate shaft with a suitable mandrel. Make sure that the thrust washer on the squeezed between the sleeve and the bearing retainer.
  6. Lubricate the lips of the new oil seal and install it in the front cover. Using a new gasket, install the front cover on the powertrain and tighten bolts of its fastening with demanded effort.

Manufacturers insist that in shown in the accompanying illustration (A) the point of installing new bolts coated with X's, but you can also use the old bolts, having greased with their thread sealant Loctite 242 (or equivalent).

  1. Install the dome clutch release lever and release bearing. Tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort.
  2. Gently pull the output shaft of the transmission and rear of the season with a suitable length of the board in front of the second gear (see. Accompanying illustration) to prevent transmission of the load on the input shaft to the output when dressing bearings and fifth gear.
1 - gear 2nd gear
2 - driven shaft
3 - housing
  1. Set transmission upright, propped dome grip on the wooden blocks.
  2. Remove the lock ring from the output shaft and the bearing with a suitable mandrel onto the shaft bearing and the fifth gear (the components of the rear of the output shaft are shown in the accompanying illustration). Make sure that the bearing is installed turned groove for the installation of the locking ring back. The protruding part of the gear should rest against the bearing. Install the bearing retaining ring.
1 - bearing
2 - a lock ring
3 - a gear wheel of 5th transfer
4 - remote bush
5 - C-shaped retaining half rings
6 - Holder
  1. Using a suitable mandrel, set on the output shaft the remote plug and the rear bearing. Make sure that the sleeve grooves turned turned to fifth gear, remove the transmission segment of the board.
  2. Measure the side clearance between one of the C-shaped half-rings and bearings. Compare the result with the regulatory requirements. Pick two half rings of a desired thickness and replace the driven shaft holder and a new lock ring.
  3. Install bearing holder and pre-tighten the bolts with countersunk head, temporarily fixing bracket. Tighten all the fixing bolts with demanded effort. Kerner stake the flat head screws in each of the two points.
  4. Put clutch synchronizer on fifth gear countershaft (with the flat side to the gear). Narrow risks, drawn by the inside of the sleeve must be aligned with the grooves of sliding keys.
  5. Set the keys and moving the spring. The long end of the key hooks and springs should be turned to a gear wheel and spring - the right to engage with the keys. To avoid loosening of moving keys and set the spring assembly fifth gear synchronizer ring.
  6. Install the fifth gear of the intermediate shaft and the shift fork to the stem, making sure that the retaining ring equipped with rod end proved turned aside transmission housing. Using a suitable mandrel plant cone synchronizer on the intermediate shaft.
  7. Replace the intermediate shaft washer and measure the side clearance between the snap ring and washer. Compare the result with the regulatory requirements (see. Table sizes and adjustments in the end of this manual) and pick up a new ring of the desired thickness.
  8. Check axial play fifth-gear intermediate shaft.
  9. Lubricate new oil seal lips, and with a suitable mandrel plant gland into the housing extension transmission.
  10. Replace the gasket, install the cover extension to the transmission and tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort.

    Manufacturers insist that in shown in the accompanying illustration (A) the point of installing new bolts coated with X's, but you can also use the old bolts, having greased with their thread sealant Loctite 242 (or equivalent).

  1. Assemble the top cover (see the. Accompanying illustration):
1 - stocks
2 - stroke lever
3 - percussion lock
4 - fork reverse gear
5 - a plug of switching gears 1/2
6 - the lever of inclusion of a reverse gear
7 - a plug of switching gears 3/4
    1. Install the control assembly plant and a reverse gear locking pin into the housing using a hammer and a knockout.
    2. Set the top cover 1/2 transmission shift fork, shock and fork lever 3/4 switch gears (observe the stored procedure in the process of dismantling the installation of the components). Insert the switching rod.
    3. Set the top cover fork reverse gear and the lever on (follow the correct order of installation components).
    4. Achieve combination of samples per shift fork, reverse gear lever, the shock and the shock clamp lever. Make sure that the shock retainer located between the ribs in the housing (see. Accompanying illustration), and then install a new locking pins.
1 - percussion lock
2 - ribs
    1. Grease selector rod end plug sealant Loctite 587 (or equivalent) and install the plug in the casing.
    2. Lubricate the locking ball and the guide and install the latest in its place, insert the ball and spring in the casing of the top cover. Lubricate the sealing cap and the thread gauge-switch of fires of a backing and firmly screw them into the case.
    3. Set in a casing of the selector arm of the selector lever, insert the rod of choice. Put the new roll pins in the bracket and the selector lever. Coat the sealant Loctite 587 (or equivalent) the new plug and install them into the housing of the selector.
    4. Install the guide plate, making sure that she was turned down the circular groove of the selector housing (as was noted during dismantling). Tighten the mounting bolts.
    5. Lubricate the locking plungers and balls and put them together with springs in a casing of the selector according to the compiled during dismantling reminder). Coat the sealant Loctite 587 (or equivalent) plugs and tighten them firmly.
    6. Replace the cover of the selector on the top cover (do not forget to replace the gasket) and tighten with demanded effort fixing bolts.

    Manufacturers insist that in shown in the accompanying illustration (A) the point of installing new bolts coated with X's, but you can also use the old bolts, having greased with their thread sealant Loctite 242 (or equivalent).

    1. Replace the gasket, set assembly of the top cover on the powertrain, tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort.
  1. Assemble the casing control lever unit
    1. Install the rubber seat on the lever;
    2. Tamp grease jack and the plug at the end of the shift lever and insert the lever into the socket, fixing it with a new snap ring.
    3. Install the spring and the lever into the housing, lock the new lock ring.
    4. Slide on the casing of the protective rubber cover (mark F forward cover). Install the mounting clamps.
  2. Temporarily set the shift lever to the transmission and, turning the input shaft, ensure freedom of rotation of the transmission lever in all positions.
  3. When assembling the transmission models 4.2 note the differences existing in it (see. Sections Dismantling and General Information).

L models 3.0


  1. Install the bearings in casings (housings). Make sure that the rear bearing of the intermediate shaft is flush with the housing extension and the snap ring in the outer cage of the driven shaft was drawn towards the rear of the base plate.

If the output shaft bearing and is not replaced, it must still be equipped with a new lock ring.

  1. Install bearing holder on the base plate and tighten the bolts with demanded effort.
  2. By means of the press bearing put on a primary shaft (outer cage groove must be rotated for the installation of the retaining ring away from the gear. Do not place the ring in the outer race at this stage. Components front transmission are shown in the accompanying illustrations.
1 - a lock ring
2 - the dome of the clutch
3 - bearing
4 - Washer
5 - input shaft
6 - spacer ring
7 - synchronizer ring
8 - a spring
9 - moving keys
10 - clutch synchronizer
11 - a conducted gear wheel of 3rd transfer
12 - ball
13 - the driven shaft
14 - shim
15 - ball bearings
16 - Sleeve
17 - conical spring
18 - a gear ring
19 - an intermediate shaft
20 - driven gear 2nd gear
21 - a nave of the synchronizer
22 - a conducted gear wheel of 1st transfer
23 - Coupling bearing
  1. Place the washer on the input shaft and measure a backlash between a lock ring and groove. Compare result of measurement with the regulatory requirements (see. Table sizes and adjustments in the end of this manual) and pick up a new lock ring required thickness.
  2. Grease universal lithium-based grease on the ball and place it in the intermediate shaft. Replace the intermediate shaft gear ring, a conical spring and sleeve. Make sure that the conical spring has been deployed to the concave side of the gear.
  3. Replace the intermediate shaft retaining ring and zastuchite him in his seat with the help of a mandrel of suitable size placed over the end of the shaft.
  4. With a brass drift and hammer, install the intermediate shaft thrust bearing. Follow the direction marked by the process of dismantling the bearing seat.
  5. In the same manner assemble the units synchronizers 1/2 and 3/4 gear. Make sure the ends of the springs appeared geared at for the same slip keys.
  6. Roller Bearing Grease third speed gear and put it on the driven shaft.
  7. Install the third gear synchronizer assembly 3/4 transmission with locking ring. Put the assembly on the machine shaft by means of the press. Make sure that the hub and clutch cone synchronizer were turned edge first.
  8. Measure the side clearance between the snap ring and groove. Compare result of measurement to the standard data (see. Table sizes and adjustments in the end of this manual) and pick up a new lock ring required thickness.
  9. Roller Bearing Grease second gear and install it on the opposite side of the driven shaft.
  10. Install the synchronizer of 1/2 transfers with locking ring on the second gear and put the assembly on the machine shaft by means of the press backing plates bearing the last second gear.
  11. Put on the output shaft roller bearing coupling the first gear and the washer and plant collar using press plates resting the last puck. Remove the washer from the machine shaft.
  12. Lubricate the roller bearing and the first gear set with a gear assembly bearing on the output shaft.
  13. Grease universal lithium-based grease on the steel ball hockey and install them in the driven shaft.
  14. ?�???�?? ?�?�?�?� ?????????�???�???�???� ?�?�???�???� ?????????????�???�???? ???�???�?�???� ?�???�????????????????, ?????????�?�???�???�???????? ???�?�?�, ???????????????? ???????????????????�, ?�???�?�?�?�?????? ?????�???�?�, ?�???�?? ?�?�???�???�?? ?????�???�???�?????? ?????????�?�???�???�???�?? ???�?�, ?????????�?????�?� ?????�?????? ?�???�?� ???????�?�?????�????:
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    2. ???�???�???�???????�?� ?????????� ???�?�???�?�?????? ?? ?????�?�?????????�?� ?? ???�???? ???�?????�???? ???�?�???�?????? ?? ?????????�?�???�???�???�?? ???�?�????, ?????�???????????? ???�???�???????? ???????�?�???�?� ?????????????�?�???�?� ???????�???�???????�?�??. ???� ?????�?�???�???�?????�???�?� ???� ???�???????? ???�?�???� ???�?????�???????????�???�?� ???�???�?� ???�???�?????�???? ???????????????????� ?????????�?�???�???�???????? ???�?�?�.
    3. ?�???�???????�?� ?? ?�?�?�???????�?� ?????� ?????�???�?�???�?� ?�???�?�?�.
    4. ?�?�?????�?????�?� ?�???�?�???�?�?�?�???�?? ???�???�?????�?�?�?? ???� ???�?????�?�?? ???�?�???�?????� ?�?�?????? ???�???�?�????, ?�?�???�?� ?�???? ???�?????�?�?? ???????�?�?�???? ?? ?�?????�?? ?????????�?�???�???�???????? ???�?�?�. ?????????????�???�?� ???�?� ?????�???�-???????� ?? ???�???�?�???�?� ???????�?�?�?????� ???????�?????�.
    5. ?????�???????�?� ???�?�???�???�?�?� ???�???�???�?????? ?? ?????????�?�???????�???? ?�???�?�?�?????????? ?????�???????? ?�???�?�?� (????. ?�?�?�?�???�?? ?????�?�) ???�?? ???????�???�?�?�?????? ?�???�?�???�?????? ?�???�?�?????� ???�?????�???????????�?????? ???�???�?�:

The amount of axial clearance, mm

?????�?�???�???�?? ?�???�?�?????� ???�???�?�, ????

0.93 ÷ 1.02


1.03 ÷ 1.12


1.13 ÷ 1.22


1.23 ÷ 1.32


1.33 ÷ 1.42


1.43 ÷ 1.52


1.53 ÷ 1.62


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Automatic Transmission

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