printable version
Checks of readiness of the car to operation
Introduction This section lists all units and verifiable system and the proposed methods of independent verification of their status and functioning. Based on the analysis of the results of such tests can assess the readiness of the car to operation and of inspection. Naturally, the self-test can not be conducted to compare the accuracy of measurements with professional, due to lack of relevant qualifications of the operator and the inaccessibility of special diagnostic equipment. If in the course of independent audits highlighted the need for repair or replacement of any component, refer to the relevant sections of the Handbook in order to obtain more information. In most cases, the implementation of the forthcoming inspections require participation of an assistant. Checks made by the driver's seat Parking (handbrake) Check the parking brake operation is performed by a full cocking lever of its management. This should ensure that the stroke of the lever (the number of clicks of the ratchet) required to sense occurrence impedance caused cocked braking mechanism is not excessive. If this requirement is not met, you should check whether your brakes on the rear wheels and / or the correct adjustment of the parking brake cable. | - Fully charged the parking brake lever to its management shake from side to side (tap it on the sides) - at the same time the brake should not be released, - otherwise there is a deterioration of the ratchet or pawl lever. Release the parking brake lever and shake from side to side for signs of wear of the axial bearing.
- Check the fastening of the lever and make sure there is no corrosion of the carrier element of the body within a radius of 30 cm around the fulcrum of the lever. If the state of fastening of the lever can not be checked from inside the car, his vote later in the course of checks made under the car.
Footbrake | - Make sure the brake pedal is released while squeezing and does not emit any sound, shows no obvious signs of excessive wear axle bushings, also check the condition of the pedal pad. Make sure there are no signs of leaks of brake fluid on the pedals, floor or surface of the pedal pad around talking about the tightness of sealing lips of the master cylinder.
- Depress slowly at first, then quickly, ensuring the possibility of holding steady pressure. Create pressure and make sure the pedal starts to sink slowly to the floor, which again would indicate a problem with the master cylinder. Release the pedal, wait a few seconds, then squeeze it again until the appearance of a solid resistance. Make sure that the resistance is beginning to emerge already in the upper portion of the pedal stroke. If the occurrence of resistance of the pedals need to drown almost to the floor, suggesting violation of the brake adjustment. If a firm resistance to squeezing the pedal does not arise, t. E. There is a soft pedal travel, it says contact with the hydraulic system of air and the need for a complete pumping system.
- Check the operation of the vacuum brake booster, having squeezed the brake pedal a few times to reset the vacuum. Then hold the pedal depressed, start the engine. At the time of engine start squeezing the pedal resistance to change (decrease). If not, there is a possibility "leaks" vacuum brake booster hose unit itself or malfunction.
Steering wheel and column | - Check the steering wheel for cracks or weakening landing hub, spokes and rim.
- Rock the wheel from side to side, then up and down relative to the column. Make sure that there is no backlash wheel column, which is an indication of weakening the wheel nuts or wear of the shaft splines.
- Continue to shake the wheel as described above, but add another slight rotation to the right and left. Make sure there is no excessive backlash wheels, talking about excessive wear of the upper support bearing shaft, universal joint (s) or a flexible coupling.
The windshield and mirrors On the windscreen should be free of cracks or other damage that could significantly limit the field of view of the driver, or interfere with windshield wipers. The presence of small vyscherblin left when hit by stones acceptable. All kinds of stickers and souvenirs suspension should also not restrict the view of the driver. Rear-view mirrors shall be secured, not damaged, and succumb to adjust. The door mirror on the passenger side of the car ekzamenovke not be subject to availability, and serviceability to use the rear view mirror fixed on the inner side of the windshield. Seats and safety belts  | The following checks are seat belts both front and rear seats. |
| - Carefully check the structure of the material safety belts for cuts, signs of a strong rubbing or material aging. If the belts are installed inertial type, equipped with a return device, when viewed completely pull them out of the case of the drum.
- Button and undo each of the belts, check the serviceability of functioning of the mechanisms of locks (as in snapping, and the opening) and their reliability. If you set the type of inertial belts, check the operation of the return devices.
- Check the fastening straps to the elements of the body and the condition of their support units, which can be accessed without removing the trim panel. Signs of severe corrosion or deformation of the load-bearing elements within the body at a support belt is also unacceptable. Some of the attachment points of safety belts is not available, and even not subject to a visual inspection of the interior of a vehicle, in this case the verification of their status must be made later when viewed from the bottom. If any of the parts of the belt mechanism mounted directly to the front seat support the seat must be securely bolted to the floor and able to undergo the same check as described above for the seat supports.
| - Check the fastening of seat belts.
- Sami front seats should also be secured in place and prevent inadvertent changes its position. The backs shall be held securely in an upright position.
Door The front door must be opened and closed from inside the car and held securely in the closed position. On models with the type of station wagon tailgate must also be securely attached and locked in the closed position. Electrical | - Turn on the ignition and activate the horn. Horn shall make clear sound an audible other road users. It is unacceptable the use of gongs, sirens or 2-tone horns, installed as optional accessories yourself.
- Check the operation of washer and windshield wiper. Headlight should provide adequate liquid jet head and flow, and their nozzles are adjusted so that the jets end at the upper edge of the windscreen.
- Operate the windshield wipers with washers at the same time and make sure the quality of the brush wipe the windshield over the entire range of its stroke. On the glass there should be no streaks and stripes smeared the road film, limiting the review to the driver in a straight line, and peripheral sectors of the field of view. Otherwise, replace the brush.
- Depress the brake pedal with the ignition and ask the assistant to check the operation of the brake light. At squeezing of a pedal brake lights should light up, and when you release the - fade. If you do not burn just one of the stoplights, the reason for failure is most likely a blown bulb or a bad electrical contact to the lamp holder (or close to it). If there is a failure of both brake lights, check them and fuse switch. It should not be completely ruled out as the probability of a simultaneous burnout both lamps. Disclaimer stop lamp shutdown when the brake pedal is released, is a testament to the faulty switch.
The checks made on the vehicle located on the ground License plates and vehicle identification number The front and rear license plates must be in good condition, to be securely attached and legible. The vehicle identification number (VIN), located on the nameplate under the hood must be legible. Electrical | - Turn on the lights and make sure that lit up both front and rear dimensions, as well as the license plate light bulb. The lenses and reflectors must be clean, undamaged and securely attached. The integrity of the lenses is particularly important in the rear lights, where a white light fire damage can be confused by other road users with the reverse gear signal. Contamination of the lens causes a marked decrease in the intensity of light emitted by the lamp.
- Turn on the headlights and make sure that blocks both the passing and the driving beam function is normal and with the same intensity for both headlights. Reducing the intensity of illumination of any of the headlights it is generally associated with impaired quality of the electrical contacts or severe corrosion of the reflector. Check the lens headlights for cracks and abandoned as a result of being hit by stones vyscherblin. Such defects are not valid, but it is usually qualified their seriousness is a subjective factor. Remember that all lights should operate smoothly in the first switching circuit. Tapping on the block luminaire for inclusion is an invalid action.
- Headlamps must not only be regulated in a way that does not dazzle other road users in the mode of low beam, but also to provide adequate illumination of the road ahead of the car. Check the adjustment direction of the headlights is carried out using a special optical equipment, so in case of lack of confidence in its correctness advance should contact the experts for inspection and headlight range adjustment.
- Ignition check the functioning of the direction indicators. Make sure that both front and rear of which radiate yellow light and flashing at a frequency of about one to two times per second. In addition, it is imperative on lamp serviceability of the direction indicators on the instrument panel. The side lights and brake lights should not affect the operation of the direction indicators - if not, the reason usually lies in the poor quality of ground units in rear combination lamps. Likewise, make sure of serviceability of functioning of the alarm system, which is to act like it is activated, and when the ignition is off. Check the condition of the lens.
- Check the operation of the fog lamp (s). Mandatory checks are usually only concerns mounted outside the fog, included as standard, and is located on one side of the car. The headlamp shall be securely fastened and produce bright, pencil beam of red. The warning lamp on the dashboard (or inside the switch) must also function.
Footbrake | - From the engine compartment, check brake lines for signs of leaks, corrosion, insecure, pureed and other damages. Check the brake master cylinder and the brake servo unit for signs of leakage is mounted and signs of corrosion as the pillars of the components and their surrounding body parts. The reservoir of the master cylinder must be secured; ate it is made of translucent material, the liquid level therein should lie between upper and lower marks on the walls.
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Shock absorbers ???�?�?????�?� ???????�?�???�?????? ???� ???�?�???�?? ???� ?????�???? ?�???�???????�???�??, ???�?�???? ?�?�?�?�?? ???�?????????�?? ?�????. ?�???�?? ?�???????�???�?�?�???? ?? ?????????????�, ???????� ?????�?�?�?? ???????????�??????, ?� ?�?�?�?�?? ???�???????�?????? ?? ?????????�?�???????� ?????�???�?�?????�. ?�???�?? ???????� ?�???�???????�???�?? ???????�?� ???�?????????�?????? ???????????�?�?�?�?� ???�?????�?�?????�?�?????? ?????�???�-???????�, ?�???????�???�?�?�???? ???�???�?�???� ???????? ???�?????�?????????�???� ???????????�???�. Exhaust | - ?�?�???????�???�?� ?????????�?�?�?�?? ??, ???????????????? ?????????�???????� ???????�?�?�?? ?? ?????�?�?? ???�?????????????? ?�?????�?� ?????????? ???�?�??????, ?????????�?????�?� ?????? ???????�?�???? ???� ???�?�???�???� ???????�???�?????? ???�?�?�?�??, ???????????�?????�???�???? ?? ???????� ?????�?????�???? ?????�?????????????�???� ???�?????�?? ???�???� ???�?? ?????????�?�???? ?�???????�, ?????�???????�?�???? ???�?????????�?????�???�?????? ???� ?????�???�???????� ???�?�?�????.
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Wheels and tires | - ?�???????�?�?�?�?????? ???????�?????�?� ???????�?�???�?????? ???????� ?????�?� ?????�?�?? ???�?? ?? ???�?????�??????, ?�?�?? ?? ?? ???????�???�?????�?? ???�?????????�, ?� ?�?�???�?� ???? ?????�?? ???????�???�???????�?? ???????�?�???�?????�. ???�???????????�?????�?? ?????�???�?�???? ???�?�???�???� ???????�?�????, ?�???�?�????, ???�?????�????, ?????�???�???�??????, ???�?????�???�?????? ???????�?�???�?????�, ?� ?�?�???�?� ???�???�?�?�?????? ?????????� ?? ???�?????�???� ???????� ?????�?�?????�?????� ???�???????� ???�?? ?????????�?�???�??????.
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- With the help of a special device to measure the depth of the tread pattern. According to the currently accepted rules of safety of traffic pattern must be clearly visible over the whole area and have a tread depth of at least 1.6 mm at least three quarters of the tread width. Valid certain tread wear on the outer and inner edges, but it should take the form of a smooth and continuous ring pattern tread on worn areas must also be viewed. Any excessive wear of the above may be a sign of misalignment angles of the front wheels, which must be verified before the final tire will fail. For more information on the typical tread wear and alignment of the front wheels cm. In the Handbook.
Corrosion Body Check all load bearing elements of the body and chassis of the vehicle subjected to stress areas for signs of corrosion. Laden carrier and considered all relevant elements of frames and thresholds, cross beams, pillars, supports and fastening elements of steering and suspension, brake system components and seat belts. Corrosion substantially reduces the thickness of the metal parts of the car body bearing and cause their weakening is invalid. In this case, the vehicle must be subjected to body repair. Verifying emissions | - Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature and make sure in carrying out the preliminary requirements for the audit of adjustment of turns and quality of a mix of idling (t. E., That the ignition system is functioning normally, and the air filter element is in good condition).
- Before the measurements raise the engine speed to the value of approximately 2500 rev / min and hold at that level for about 20 seconds. Once again, reset the engine to idle and get accustomed to the smoke exiting the exhaust pipe of the vehicle. If the idle speed is obviously exceeded, or in the case of emissions from the exhaust system are clearly visible dark blue or black smoke for a time more than 5 seconds, the car should be subjected to repair. Blue smoke is a sign of burnout motor oil (wear stem seals cores of valves, valve guides, piston rings or a mirror of cylinders), whereas black can be considered as evidence of incomplete combustion (pollution of the air filter element, excessive pereobogaschenie mixture or other operational problems carburetor or fuel injection system).
- If the idle speed and the apparent condition of the exhaust are normal, you need to use the exhaust gas analyzer to measure the content in the exhaust of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon compounds. It is further assumed that this analyzer can be rented or loaned - to acquire it for the amateur mechanic irrationally. Alternatively, should seek to carry out this test on a car repair shop, where prices for this type of work is usually quite mild.
Emissions of CO (quality of the mixture) In conducting this test should be guided by the requirements of traffic rules to the content of CO in the exhaust gases. If to reduce the level of CO before hitting him in the margins can not be (assuming that the other points of view of supply and ignition are functioning properly), we must assume the existence of a strong depreciation of the carburettor or any defect fuel injection system. On carburetors equipped with an automatic start-up is possible that the air damper is not released properly. Possible that the CO level meets the requirements of the SDA, but exceed the limit established by the manufacturer. Emissions of hydrocarbon compounds After ascertaining that the level of CO in the exhaust gases is normal (or Get this), go to the measurement of the content of hydrocarbons in the exhaust. It should not exceed 1200 ppm. If the vehicle does not pass this test at idle, repeat it at an engine speed of 2,000 rev / min; Now, if the content of molybdenum is used for the lubrication of units subject to high loads (such as the main and connecting rod bearings and cam lobe) before the first engine start after the completion of renovation.