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The corners of the rear axle
The collapse of the rear wheels is set at the factory and can not be adjusted. The convergence of the rear wheels to be measured, if removed from lateral and longitudinal levers. Convergence is regulated with the adjusting devices for internal mounting wishbone. Measure the toe, as described in Chapter Suspension and steering. If the value is outside the range of -2.0 to +2.0 mm, perform the following adjustment: | - Replace the back of the car on supports.
- Find the heads of both domestic wishbone mounting bolts and apply a center punch mark, marking the position of the bolts.
Offset bolts on the inner side of the transverse arms. The direction of displacement of the left arm (A) and right arm (B) opposite | 1 - direction of the shift to a negative convergence 2 - offset direction for toe 3 - parallel levers |
- Loosen the nut and turn the bolts of both the bolts to change convergence. Each division head bolt toe changes by 2.0 mm. Since the displacement of the bolts mutually opposite, should adhere to the following instructions and illustrations:
- On the right arm, rotate the bolt to the right to receive a negative convergence and left to get positive.
- The left arm rotate the bolt to the right to receive the toe-in and left to obtain a negative.
- For both adjusting devices it is assumed that both bolt head looking from the rear of the vehicle.
- After the displacement bolts again place them inside the bearing plate (1) (see. Illustration) and tighten the nuts with demanded effort.
- Check the toe. You may need to make additional adjustments.