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Check of serviceability, removing and installing throttle body
Check | - On top of the throttle body mounted vacuum hose that goes to the absolute pressure sensor in the pipeline (IDA) (models with engine capacity of 4.0 liters). Disconnect the hose from the throttle body and instead connect the gauge.
| - Disconnect from the throttle vacuum hose of the MAP sensor, and instead connect the vacuum gauge (only for engines in volume 4.0 l).
- Start the engine and warm it up to normal operating temperature (the cooling fan should run at least twice). The gauge should not fix the vacuum - make sure of that.
- Slightly open the throttle, exceeding the engine idle speed and make sure there is vacuum in the vacuum gauge. If depression is not fixed, check the patency of the union. If necessary, clean it by means of a carburettor cleaner.
- Stop the engine and make sure the smooth progress of the throttle cable and throttle.
- If there are clear signs of seizure, check the cable and the presence of the damper shaft to the bottom of the sludge and other deposits.
- In case of detection deposits, try to remove them using carburetor cleaner or other suitable solvent.
- If cleaning does not resolve the problem, replace the throttle body.
Refitting  | Before proceeding with the procedure wait full cooling of the engine. |
| - Disconnect the negative wire from the battery.
- Remove the air hose connected to the air cleaner assembly and the throttle body.
- Disconnect the electrical connector throttle position sensor (TPS) on the throttle. Mark and disconnect from the throttle vacuum hoses.
- Disconnect the throttle cable (Section Replacement of a cable of gas) and, if available, TV-cable transmission (Head Automatic transmission).
- Disconnect the throttle body coolant hoses. Plug the line in order to avoid the loss of coolant.
- Give the four nuts and remove the throttle body gasket. Remove the mating surfaces of the throttle body and intake manifold all traces of the old gasket material.
| - Give the four nuts (arrows) and separate from the throttle body intake manifold (shown engine displacement of 5.2 liters).
- Install in reverse order. Be sure to replace the gasket. Make the adjustment of a cable of gas and, if applicable, TV-cable (Head Automatic transmission). Check the coolant level, if necessary, make topping (Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).