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Check of serviceability of functioning of the ignition system
 | In view of the extremely high values of voltage generated by the ignition system when performing any maintenance work, its components must take special precautions. Among such components include not only the direct ignition coil, camshaft sensor and spark plug wires, but also related, connected to the system components such as electrical connectors, tachometer and diagnostic equipment. |
The basic check of serviceability of the ignition and battery power to the control module (PCM) is the inclusion of a control lamp "Battery" or "oil pressure" when you turn the ignition key to ON. | - Check the connectors and terminals of all wires to the ignition circuit is mounted, cracks, corrosion, and other signs of deterioration contact.
- Using a calibrated ignition tester to verify the adequacy of the secondary voltage (25 000) on each of the spark plugs. Violation or easing contact fraught misfired. Also check the inner walls of protective covers tips of candle wires in the presence of carbon tracks.
| - To connect a calibrated ignition tester simply disconnect the spark plug wires, and connect it to the tester, then ground the tester and turn the engine - power output is sufficient to generate a spark at the spark plug, so is the slip between the tip of the electrode and the body of the tester.
- Look for the presence of carbon tracks ignition coil. In the event of such replace the coil and make sure the wire of the secondary circuit coils were cleaned and secured. Excessive resistance value of the wire or the connector (pin) is fraught with coil failure.
- Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance between the terminals of the coil. If this inspection revealed an open (confirmed by endless readings of the instrument), replace coil (Section Check of serviceability and replacement ignition coil).
- Check the distributor for the presence of coal paths and erosion or cracks terminals.
| - Inspect the inner surface of the distributor cap for damage.
| - Available on the lid cracks, defects protruding frames coal terminals and tracks can be detected by monitoring the sparking near the cover of the distributor in the running in the dark (but well-ventilated) engine room.
- Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance of the spark plug wires. The resistance of each of them should be not less than 25,000 ohms.
- Check operation of the valve automatic fuel shut-off (ASD) (Head of the Power supply system and exhaust).
- Check the operation of the camshaft position sensor (Section Check of serviceability and replacement of the camshaft position sensor).
- If the results of the above tests are positive, check the amplitude (voltage) of the signal processor. Using the LED indicator lamp make sure there is power to the white-gray wire connector of the ignition coil. Disconnect the secondary coil wire and ground terminal to ground the motor. Now, ask the assistant to turn the engine and watch the pulsating bursts of warning lamp (LED). The absence of outbreaks are more likely to say the fault of the processor. Perform troubleshooting PCM workshop of dealer branch.
| - Connect the test lamp to the positive terminal (white and gray wire) coil and follow it flashes while cranking the engine.
The complete system check should be made in the workshop of dealer branch or service center.