1. When a fault is detected the fuel injection system, first make sure the reliability of connection of all connectors and the absence of their surfaces from corrosion. Next, make sure that the problem is not caused by neglect of regular maintenance (check the air cleaner, working backlashes of valves, compression in the cylinders, fuel filter). Also make sure that the crankcase ventilation hoses are not blocked. 2. If after the above checks the cause of the fault is not detected, drive to a service station for diagnostics. The lower part of the dashboard on the driver's side is the diagnostic connector, joined by special diagnostic equipment. This equipment reads fault codes recorded in the memory of the control unit. 3. Fault codes can be read by a special diagnostic scanner, available at the station or a personal computer with a special card, software and cable. 4. With the reading of codes, you can easily find a fault, even if it is not obvious. You can check any node without using a diagnostic scanner code, but keep in mind that the unprofessional interference in the system can cause damage to electronic components. 5. If your order has diesel tachometer or other suitable equipment, you can measure the idle speed. But the adjustment of these parameters is performed. The reason for the deviation idle speed can serve as a faulty nozzle. In this case they must be cleaned and calibrated. The service life of nozzles is unlimited, but it may happen that you will have them repaired or replaced after a run of about 100,000 kilometers. Repair and calibration of nozzles should carry out an expert. |