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Check the battery and charging
Low-maintenance battery
| 1. If the annual mileage is low, to check the battery charge every three months should be to measure the density of the electrolyte. 2. If the battery status a concern, check the density of the electrolyte in each bank. The difference in more than 0.040 indicate loss or damage of the electrolyte plate. 3. If the difference in the density exceeds 0.040 batteryRechargeablebattery be replaced. If the difference in density is satisfactory, but the battery is low, it is necessary to charge to check the density of the electrolyte. The procedure for charging shown below. |
Maintenance-free battery
| 1. If the car has a sealed battery, check the electrolyte density and the level can not be restored. Battery status can be checked using the built-in display or an external voltmeter. 2. Some models are equipped with maintenance-free batteries, which are integrated into the housing indicator of charge. It is located at the top and change color when you change the state of charge of the battery. If the indicator is green, the battery is fully charged if the indicator is red - the battery needs to be charged. The procedure for charging the battery is listed below in this section. Batteries of other manufacturers may also have a built-in indicator of charge. In this case, follow the instructions in the instruction manual of the battery. |
Batteries of all types
| 1. When checking the battery with a voltmeter, connect it to the terminals, and compare the results with the data given in the specification. The measurement result will be true if the battery is charged for at least the last 6 hours. If charged - turn the lights on for 30 seconds and then wait for 5 minutes and check the voltage at the terminals. The rest of electrical equipment (including even vnutrisalonnoe lighting) at the same time should be included. 2. If the result of measurement of less than 12.0 V, the battery is low, and the voltage from 12.0 to 12.4 indicates a partially discharged. 3. If you need to charge the battery, remove it from the vehicle (Refer to Checking, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers) and charge, following the procedure described below. |
Check mounting of the battery terminals and holder
|  | If the battery is loose or fixed terminals, the consequence can be premature failure of the battery due to vibration, ignition cables or electrical malfunction. Since the battery is not connected erased electronic data storage units, such as the radio, read the comments on the removal and installation of the battery, thus refer to Section Checking, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers. |
1. Move the battery terminals in different directions and check the reliability of their attachment, tighten if necessary. 2. If the battery is loose, tighten bolts to 20Nm. |
Check the battery under load
| 1. Connect a voltmeter to the battery terminals. 2. Start the engine and check the voltage. 3. At the time of starting the engine when fully charged battery voltage must not fall below 10 V (electrolyte temperature of about + 20 ?� C). 4. If the voltage drops sharply and the density of the electrolyte in various different sections, the battery is damaged and needs to be replaced. |
Charging The following sequence of operations may differ from the manufacturer's recommended battery mounted on the car. In this case, use the manufacturer's recommendations.
Plain and requires little maintenance battery
| 1. Charge the battery current equal to 10% of capacity (for example, if the battery capacity is 45 Ah, it should charge current 4.5 amps) to as long as 4 hours density of the electrolyte in the banks will not increase. 2. On the other hand, the automatic charger with a current of 1.5 amps can be left enabled for the whole night. 3. Chargers "fast" type, which supposedly can fully charge the battery for a couple of hours is not recommended, since at high currents can overheat the battery plates and crumble. 4. When charging the battery, make sure that the electrolyte temperature is not higher than 37.8 ?� C. |
Charging maintenance-free battery
| 1. To fully charge the battery of this type require a longer time than charging or conventional low maintenance. The charging time depends on the degree of discharge and can take up to three days. 2. The voltage generated by the charging device should be in the range 13.9 - 14.9 volts, the current must not exceed 25 amperes. Under these conditions the battery can be used after 3 hours, the terminal voltage should be about 12.5 volts. Reaching a full charge will take a long time. |
Notes on safety measures: Before you charge the battery refer to the comments on the security measures specified in Section Checking, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers:
??? Do not disconnect the battery when the engine is running. ??? Never short circuit, ie, Do not connect the positive (+) and negative poles (-). This heats up the battery and can crack. ?� Do not use an open flame near the battery. Electrolyte is poisonous. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Otherwise, the electrolyte, rinse thoroughly with water. ?� In battery with central degassing, at a charge, plugs (cross-slot) do not remove. ?� Before charging a frozen battery let it thaw. The charged battery is frozen at a temperature of about 65 ?� C, poluzaryazhennaya battery at a temperature of about 30 ?� C and discharged at a temperature of about 12 ?� C. After thawing, the battery check for cracks. Replace if necessary. ??? When a normal battery charger or a device with fast charging, remove the battery. As a minimum, disconnect the negative (-) and positive (+) cable. ?� When using a portable charger (small current) charging can be performed without removing the battery. The cable to the onboard network disconnect is not required. It should, of course, take into account the battery manufacturer's data.
Charging strongly discharged and sulfated battery Battery, long time not to use (for example, when the vehicle is parked long), discharged and sulfated with time.
If the open circuit voltage of the battery is below 11.6 V, the battery is considered to be highly depleted. Check out the quiescent voltage, thus address to subsection "Check battery."
We strongly discharged battery electrolyte is composed almost entirely of water.
 | At subzero temperatures such battery can freeze and crack the battery case. |
Heavily discharged battery sulfated, ie electrodes are formed on the surface of large crystals of poorly soluble lead sulfide. The electrolyte thus loses its transparency and acquires the weak white coloring. If extremely exhausted battery is being charged immediately after discharge, sulfation occurs again. Otherwise, the battery plate continues to solidify, and the possibility of charging the battery for a long time remains limited.
Sulfated and fully discharged battery should be charged a reduced current of about 5%, ie, when, for example, the battery capacity of 60 Ah charge current strength should be 3 A.
The charging voltage should be no more than 14.4 V.
 | In no event it is impossible to charge the battery fully discharged device for quick charge. |
Rapid charging / help startup
The quick charge, charge the battery only for the car's launch. The force of the charging current is 20% or more of the battery capacity. When this battery is damaged, t. K. Exposed to high currents. Do not use for a long time and strongly discharged battery, do not charge the device for fast charging, as this leads to sulfation.