| Install hoses recommended by the manufacturer. |
1. Fix the brake hose to the caliper torque 18Nm. 2. Brake front wheel: Pull the hose through the bracket on the strut. 3. Attach a hose to the holder and insert it into the retaining clip. Replace banjo bolt in the brake pipe hose connection piece and secure torque 14Nm.  | Do not twist the brake hose. |
4. Removal of air from brake system, refer to the appropriate section. 5. After removing the air from the brake fluid fill the tank up to the MAX and screw cap. 6. Replace the wheels so that coincided marks put at removal. Preliminary grease with a thin layer of bearing grease centering the belt drive wheel on the hub. Bolts do not grease the wheels. Rusty bolts replace. Tighten the screws. Lower the car on wheels and tighten bolts cross-wise the moment of 110 nm.  | Brake Hose at full turn of the steering wheel right and left, as well as the lifting and lowering of the car on the shock absorbers must not touch any of the suspension. At any driving situation the hose must be at a sufficient distance from adjacent structures. |
Spend Control Reliability:
?� Whether the brake hoses are fixed? ?� Assigned Whether the brake hose in the holder? ?� For loose bleed screws? ?� Flooded there enough brake fluid? ?� With the engine running, check for leaks. For this purpose depress the brake pedal force of 200 - 300 N (20 - 30 kg) for 10 seconds. The pedal should not weaken. Check all connections for leaks. 7. Check the operation of the braking system on the road with light traffic. This requires at least one strong braking action using ABS (felt by the pulsation of the brake pedal).  | Watch out for the following for your transportation. |