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Removal of air from brake system
Handling the brake fluid
Note on security measures Brake fluid is poisonous. In no case did not suck her mouth or through a hose. Store brake fluid only in bottles, random access is excluded.
When handling brake fluid, observe the following rules:
Brake fluid is aggressive and therefore should not enter into contact with the paintwork. If this occurs, immediately wipe off and wash the place of contact with water.
Brake fluid is hygroscopic, ie it absorbs moisture from the air. Store brake fluid only in closed vessels.
 | Take steps to ensure that children can not accidentally drink brake fluid. |
Brake fluid, which had already been used in the brake system of the vehicle must not be used. When you remove the air of the brake system and use only new fluid.
Specification of brake fluid: DOT4.
 | The brake fluid level in the tank should be between the MAX and MIN. |
Brake fluid must not come in contact with mineral oil. Even small traces of mineral oil making the brake fluid is not suitable for consumption or lead to failure in the brake system. The cuffs and brake pads are damaged by contact with mineral oils. Do not use cleaning cloths with traces of mineral oils.
For washing and cleaning the brake cylinders, hoses and pipes, use only new brake fluid.
Change the brake fluid every 2 years, as much as possible after a cold time of year.
 | Brake fluid is a hazardous liquid, which can not in any case where a pour or pour household waste. The local administration has to provide information about nearby places of putting the brake fluid. |
Removal of air from brake system After repair brake system, during which produces its opening, in the air may enter. In this case, the air must be removed from the system. An indication of the presence of air in the piping system is the compliance of the brake pedal when you click on it. In this case, eliminate the leaks and bleed the system.
In SRT braking system usually is filled with liquid and air removed from it by a special tool. Note: When using the specified device filling pressure of the system must not exceed 1 atm. This operation can be carried out also without this tool. In this case, the air from the brake system is removed by oscillation of the brake pedal, which requires the help of an assistant.
If air is penetrated into a single brake cylinder, it is necessary to remove all air from the brake system and thereby from each wheel cylinder. If replaced or repaired only one support, as a rule, it is sufficient to remove air from the respective cylinder.
Note on security measures
If one completely emptied from the brake fluid reservoir chamber (for example, in the presence of a leak in the brake system or if the venting forgotten to add liquid to the reservoir) in sucked air which enters the ABS pump. The air from the brake system, in this case should be removed at the station using a special device.
Sequence of removal of air: rear right brake, rear left brake, front right and front left brake and clutch slave cylinder.
 | Carefully open the valves to remove air so as not to disrupt them. It is recommended to spray valve thread about 2 hours before venting rust. If the valve does not turn away, it is recommended to perform this operation on HUNDRED.
During venting periodically watch the reservoir fluid. The liquid level must not fall too low, otherwise the reservoir through the system air can enter. Be sure to only fill the system with new brake fluid. |
Remove the brake fluid reservoir cap and set it aside. Fill the system with liquid to mark MAX.
Mark a paint position of wheels concerning a nave. This allows the assembly to establish BALANCED wheels in their former position. Loosen the wheel bolts before jacking the car. Lift the car, put it on supports and remove the wheels.
security measures Operation lifting and car installation on supports is connected with danger! Therefore, prior to the operation to check out the Poddomkrachivanie and towing Introduction to management.
| | 1. Remove the dust cap (1) with the vent valve (2) on the wheel cylinder. |
2. Clean the valve, put him clean the hose. The other end into a bottle filled with half the brake fluid. To loosen the valve, use the special wrench (HAZET 1968-N). | 3. Set or keep a bottle of liquid at a height of not less than 30 cm above the bleed hole. This eliminates the possibility of air into the braking system via the threaded fitting. |
4. Ask the assistant to "shake" the brake pedal for as long as the system pressure rises. It will be felt on the brake pedal resistance. 5. After reaching the required pressure to push the pedal fully and keep her leg. 6. Remove the ring spanner in the wheel cylinder valve approximately half a turn. 7. When the liquid begins to flow into the bottle, make sure that the end of the hose in the bottle was always below the liquid level. 8. As soon as the fluid pressure drops, close the valve. 9. Repeat the swing pedal as long as no pressure is created. Depress leave on foot pedal feet, open the vent valve so that eased the pressure, and then close the valve. 10. Repeat the process of removing air from the cylinder to the wheel until in the liquid fed into the bottle, there will be air bubbles. 11. Carefully tighten the valve for venting point 7nm. 12. After the operation is complete, remove the hose from the bleed hole and put on the valve cap. 13. Similarly, following the above sequence, remove the air from the other brake. 14. Reinstall the wheels so that coincided marks put at removal. Preliminary grease with a thin layer of bearing grease centering the belt drive wheel on the hub. Bolts do not grease the wheels. Rusty bolts replace. Tighten the screws. Lower the car on wheels and tighten bolts cross-wise the moment of 110 nm. 15. Upon completion of the process of removing the air fill the reservoir with brake fluid to the MAX mark and screw cap.
Spend Control Reliability:
?� Whether the brake hoses are fixed? ?� Assigned Whether the brake hose in the holder? ?� For loose bleed screws? ?� Flooded there enough brake fluid? ?� With the engine running, check for leaks. For this purpose depress the brake pedal force of 200 - 300 N (20 - 30 kg) for 10 seconds. The pedal should not weaken. Check all connections for leaks. 16. Check the operation of the braking system on the road with light traffic. This requires at least one strong braking action using ABS (felt by the pulsation of the brake pedal).  | Watch out for the following for your transportation. Brake fluid is a hazardous liquid, which can not in any case where a pour or pour household waste. The local administration has to provide information about nearby places of putting the brake fluid. |