1. Remove the engine covers, refer to the appropriate section. 2. Remove the nozzle, refer to Section Removal and installation of atomizers. 3. Remove the cylinder head cover, refer to the appropriate section. 4. Set the first cylinder to TDC, refer to Section Installation of the piston of the first cylinder to TDC. 5. Secure the intake camshaft as described in Section Removal and installation of camshafts. 6. Remove the chain tensioner, refer to the appropriate section. 7. Remove the front cover, refer to the appropriate section. 8. Remove the top guide, refer to the appropriate section. 9. Remove the pump. 10. Mark the camshaft sprocket towards the chain. To do this, connect the sprocket and chain connector cable. 11. Remove the asterisk from the exhaust camshaft and remove together with a chain. 12. Disconnect and remove the intermediate star, together with the sleeve. |