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Check and adjust the basic position of camshafts
Petrol models Check Setting up the base camshaft petrol engine M112 / 113
Details of installation of the cylinder head covers on petrol engines M112 / 113 (for example, M112) | | |
| - Remove the cylinder head cover.
- To verify the basic installation of camshafts rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction and bring the piston of the first cylinder in position of 40 ?� after TDC, - the camshafts must turn slots (6) to the plane of symmetry of the engine and freely fixed locking pins.
 | On models equipped with an air pump, before installing the lock pin must be right otboltit combination valve. Copper plating chain segments (1) should be aligned with the labels (4) on the camshaft sprocket, - in order to achieve the desired result may need to crank up to 14 times. |
- Remove chain tensioner.
- Remove the hall sensor.
- Picking up the chain, remove the asterisk first right, then left camshaft.
- Using a spanner, expand the left camshaft in basic position - deployed to the plane of symmetry of the motor slots (6) should be aligned with the line of the joint of covers with the heads - and secure it with the locking plate (2), placing the last flush with the left head and tucking in a groove (6) of a camshaft.
 | The position of the piston of the first cylinder 40 ?� ATDC camshaft can be rotated without any risk of collision with piston valves. |
- Operating in a similar manner, set the right camshaft. If necessary, make the necessary adjustments (see. Below).
- Tucking into the circuit, replace the camshaft sprocket (first left, then right).
- Install the hall sensor.
- Install chain tensioner.
- Make sure of correctness of combination of adjusting labels, and then reinstall the cylinder head cover.
- Finally, check for correct installation of the ignition timing (see. Section Verifying the installation of ignition timing on petrol models).
Adjustment Adjusting the base camshaft gasoline engines in the M112 / 113 (for example, M112) | - Remove the bridge bearing caps corresponding camshaft.
- Pushing the shaft (3) with the punch (1) with a diameter of 15 mm, remove the rocker arm (2).
 | To facilitate removal of the rocker axle can be preheated and is mounted on a special base frame (4). |
- Take a drift (1) and fill in its place the guide shaft (Ø 16 or 18 mm), while landing on his rocker (2).
- If necessary, pre-heating of the bridge, and charge him the rocker arm shaft (3), pushing its guide shaft, - try not to bend aligned in the assembly of the rocker.
- Install the assembly of the bridge on the regular place.
Diesel models M612 Checking the base camshaft diesel engine M612
Details of installation of the cylinder head cover of the engine M612 | | |
| - Remove the injectors (Y76) (see chap. Power supply system and exhaust).
- Remove the cylinder head cover.
- Remove the cooling fan with viscous coupling (see chap. System of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning).
- Provernuv the crankshaft in the normal direction, bring the piston of the first cylinder to TDC - label of a camshaft and its bearing cap should be aligned.
- Block camshafts with special rod (3) inserted through a hole in the lid of the first bearing shaft and charged into the hole (A) into the pinion (2) of the inlet camshaft.
- With the correct basic setting mark (B) gears camshafts (1 and 2) should be aligned. Furthermore, it should occur alignment marks printed on the body and lid of the shaft bearings (arrows).
- If necessary, remove the camshafts and set them in their place, ensuring proper alignment marks.
- Operating in reverse order of disassembly, replace the components acting in film.
- Finally, make the DTC reading and clearing of system memory on-board self-diagnostic scanner using STAR DIAGNOSIS (6511 1801 00) (see chap. Systems of an electric motor).
M628 Setting up the base camshaft engine series 628 Details of installation of covers of heads of cylinders of the engine M682 (1 of 2) Details of installation of covers of heads of cylinders of the engine M682 (2 of 2)
| - Remove the cylinder head cover.
- Remove the intercooler (Intercooler) turbocharging systems (see chap. Power supply system and exhaust).
- Provernuv the crankshaft in the normal direction, bring the piston of the first cylinder to TDC.
- Check the basic position of the camshafts - gear to be deployed marks (B) to each other, moreover, must occur combination of labels printed on the body and lid of the shaft bearings (arrows).
- If necessary, make appropriate adjustment.
- Operating in reverse order of disassembly, replace the components acting in film.