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Anti-lock brakes (ABS)
 | When locked, all of the differentials ABS is automatically disabled. |
Anti-lock brakes (ABS) prevents premature blocking of wheels, continuously controlling the speed of their rotation during braking by modulating the pressure of hydraulic fluid in each of the brake mechanisms. Activation of the system is done automatically during acceleration to speeds in excess of 8 km / h.  | Suffice tangible ripple brake pedal under hard braking are associated with activation of the ABS and should not cause concern - continue to squeeze the pedal. |
When you activate the ABS LOW transfer case is transferred to a special mode of operation in which the deceleration of the car to a speed below 30 km / h is made periodic lock the front wheels in order to reduce the braking distance.  | Remember that moving the ABS special operating mode for off-road can lead to "dives" slow moving vehicle, considerably reducing its handling! |