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Turbocharged engines
A number of engines installed in automobiles Golf III, is equipped with forced air by the energy of exhaust gases ("turbo-charged"). The main unit of the system - the turbocharger - is an expensive and technically complex device that requires special attention in the maintenance and operation. The frequency of rotation of up to 130 000 min-1, which places special demands on motor oil. Avoid shortage and untimely replacement of oil entering the turbocharger items timely maintenance! To reduce the risk of breakage of the turbocharger, follow the rules: - Do not allow even a short oil "starvation"; - Do not make a sudden stop of the engine on / immediately after high-speed (s), because the turbine continues rapid rotation without lubrication; - Do not let the engine full load before it to idle for at least a minute; - After trips allow the engine to idle for at least a few minutes: the turbine must be cool. The basic malfunctions of turbocharging systems are leaks and exhaust gas. It is always accompanied by an increase in the noise of the engine, the loss of his power. Exhaust black smoke says about leaks of air, blue - oil.