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Repair of a head of cylinders
Dismantling Check Cylinder Head | - Inspect the cylinder head for damage, cracks, leaks, oil and coolant. If necessary, replace the cylinder head.
- Remove scale, sealant, and carbon deposits. Compressed air blow channels for lubrication.
| - Metal ruler and probe in six directions check the flatness of the cylinder head. If necessary, pereshlifuyte cylinder head.
| Standard deviation from flatness: - Width 0.03 mm; - 0.09 mm in length; - 0,012 mm diagonal.
Valves | | - Wire brush, clean the valve.
| - Examine each valve for wear, damage and deformations in the zones A and B and, if necessary, repair or replace it. If the end of the rod is worn or eaten, as appropriate, restore the chamfer. This recovery should be limited to the minimum metal removal.
Also check the thickness of the working edges. The thickness of the edge of the valve: The intake valves 1.16 mm The outlet valve: 1.30 mm
Valve spring | - Inspect each valve spring for cracks and damage. Measure the length of the spring in a free state.
| - Install the spring on a flat horizontal surface and measure the deflection of the spring from the top of the vertical plane.
The length of the spring-load: 39.14 mm Spring length under a load of 21.4 kg: 32 mm Tolerance springs from the vertical plane not more than 1,5 ?� Maximum permissible length reduction: 1 mm Maximum permissible deviation of a spring from a vertical plane not more than 4 ?� |
Valve Guides | Check the clearance between the rod and the valve guide. If the clearance exceeds the limit, replace the valve guide to the bushing repair size larger.
The clearance between the stem and the valve guide: The intake valves: 0,022-0,067 mm The exhaust valves: 0,005-0,095 mm
Maximum permissible backlash between the shaft and valve guide: The intake valves: 0.1 mm The outlet valve: 0.15 mm
Valve seat inserts Check valve seat for the presence of heat and disturbance of the working surface in contact with the valve plate. If necessary, repair or replace the valve seat. Before replacement or repair of the valve seat, check the valve guide wear. If the valve guide sleeve is worn, replace it. Assembly  | - Before installing, clean the parts.
- Apply a thin coat of engine oil to all sliding surfaces.
Protrusion | 2,0 l | The value of the average piston protrusion | 0,194-0,337 mm | 0,337-0,440 mm | 0,440-0,542 mm | The thickness of the lining | Mm 1,13 ?� 0,05 | Mm 1,23 ?� 0,05 | Mm 1,33 ?� 0,05 | Within each category of | 0.43 mm | 0.53mm | - | Identification mark | 001 | 002 | 003 |