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Installation of the piston rings
Before installation of new piston rings must be measured gaps in their castles. It is understood that the backlash in the ring grooves previously tested and complies with the requirements of the Specifications (Section Checking the connecting rod and piston assemblies). | - Lay the connecting rod and piston assembly and sets new rings so that during the measurement gaps and engine assembly ring constantly been "attached" to their assemblies and cylinders.
- Insert the top (?�� 1) the piston ring in the first cylinder of the engine and set it perpendicular to the cylinder walls, leveled by the introduction into the cylinder of the piston head forward. The ring should be in the lower part of the cylinder, running in the border area rings.
| - To check the end gap of the piston ring is to be inserted into the cylinder and aligned perpendicularly to its walls (this is easiest to achieve, vtalkivaya ring cylinder piston head, as shown in the picture).
- To measure the clearance in the ring lock, enter into the space between the ends of the ring blade probe, picking them so that their value is equal to the total thickness of the gap. This probe should slide in the gap of the castle with a slight resistance. Compare results of measurement to requirements of Specifications. If the gap is greater than the maximum allowable value, once again, make sure that it corresponds to compare the performance of the selected ring.
| - By setting the ring perpendicular to the cylinder walls, measure the gap in his castle with a feeler gauge blade type.
- If the gap is too small, it should be increased to avoid clamping the lock in the thermal expansion of the ring during engine operation, since this could lead to serious consequences. The gap can be expanded by careful boring ends of the ring in his castle file. Hold file in a vice with soft sponges, put a ring on the lock file and slowly pull it toward you, removing material from the ends. Pull the ring only for themselves (see. The figure below).
| - If the end gap is too small, hold the file in a vice with soft sponges, and putting on him the ring lock, pull it toward you, removing a bit of the material on the ends.
- Excessive clearance in the lock ring is not a criminal, if not more than 1 mm. Once again, once again check the compared data on their compliance audited ring. Make sure that the acquired set of rings for the type of engine of your car.
- Repeat this procedure for each of the rings, which will be installed in the first cylinder, and then proceed to the remaining cylinders. Remember to maintain compliance with its rings of pistons and cylinders.
- After completion of the verification / adjustment of backlashes of piston ring, the ring must be installed on the pistons.
- The first is usually set oil ring (the bottom of the piston). It consists of three separate sections. First into the groove on the piston ring expander. When used to prevent rotation of the ring locking tab, insert it into the bore in the groove. Then set the lower side section of the ring. Do not use the tool to set the ring for putting on the piston side sections oil rings. Instead, please create one end section in the groove between the speculum and the wall of the groove and firmly holding his finger in the groove gradually refill the remainder of the section, carrying out forcefully on its perimeter a finger of the other hand. Then, the same way, mount the second side section of the ring.
| Installing the lower groove on the piston expander oil ring. |
| Do not use for installing the side sections scraper ring any special tools. |
- Once all three sections of the oil scraper ring, make sure the two (upper and lower) side of its section rotate freely in the groove.
- The second set average (?�� 2), compression ring. It typically is stamped, which has to be turned up at installation, to the bottom of the piston. Side of the second compression ring is chamfered should be turned down all engines, 6-cylinder engine ring must set the mark in the form of two points up on the V8 engines fingerprint is drilling, embossed letter 'O oval recess or word TOR (top ).
 | It is mandatory to follow the instructions on the package set of rings - different manufacturers may have different requirements for the procedure to complete this procedure. Do not confuse the average compression ring to the top - they have different cross-sections. |
- Use the special tools to install the piston rings and make sure that that the mark on the ring facing up. Insert the ring in the middle groove on the piston. Do not dilute the lock ring is wider than it really is required for putting it on the piston.
| Installing compression rings using a ring expander - identification mark (if any) should be facing up (arrow). |
- In a similar manner, set the upper (?�� 1) compression ring. Make sure that the mark (point) facing up. Do not confuse the top ring with the average. The first (top) compression ring must be installed side chamfered UP (whereas the second ring is worn facet DOWN). Typically, the second ring is labeled with two points of the top side, and the first (upper) - one. Follow the instructions supplied with the kit.
| The second compression ring must be installed bevel down, then as the first (upper) - up - do not confuse! |
- Repeat this procedure for the remaining pistons.