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Jeep Grand Cherokee (from 1993 to 1999, the year of issue)

general info. full specifications. diagnostics. hints. tips. tricks
Jeep Grand Cherokee
Grand Cherokee
Adjustment and routine maintenance
The straight six-cylinder engine
The V8 engine
Procedure of the general and engine major repairs
general information
Overhaul of the engine - the general information
Check the compression pressure in the cylinders
Diagnostic Tests produced using gauge
Methods for removal of the engine and the necessary precautions
Removing and installing engine
Recovery Options Engine
An order of dismantling of the engine
Dismantling of a head of cylinders
Cleaning and checking the status of a head of cylinders
Service valves
Assembling the cylinder head
Removing the connecting rod and piston assembly
Removing the crankshaft
Cleaning the engine block
Checking the engine block
Honing cylinders
Checking the connecting rod and piston assembly
Checking the status of the crankshaft
:20. Checking the main and connecting rod bearings
The order of assembly of the engine after completing its overhaul
Installation of a cranked shaft and check of backlashes of radical bearings
Installation of the piston rings
Installing the connecting rod and piston assembly and check of backlashes in the connecting rod bearing
The first start of the engine after major repairs
Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
The power supply system and exhaust
The system of electric motor
Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
Manual box of a gear change
Automatic Transmission
Transfer Case
Clutch and transmission line
Suspension and steering
The system of on-board electrical equipment
Controls and operation receptions

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Removing the connecting rod and piston assembly

Before you begin to dismantle the connecting rod and piston assembly, remove the head (s) of cylinders, the oil pan and the oil pump (see. Appropriate section straight-six engine and motor V8).


  1. Scrape the upper part of the cylinder bores nail, try to establish whether there is a stepped cylinder wear in areas of the upper limit of travel of the piston rings (approximately 6.4 mm from the top edge of the cylinder). If the carbonization or deterioration at the top of the cylinder formed by the steps, they must be completely removed using a special countersink. Follow the manufacturer's instructions of the instrument. Failure to observe this requirement can cause damage to the pistons in the process of removing the connecting rod and piston assembly.
  1. To remove a step wear at the top of the cylinder requires the use of special countersink - This procedure must be performed before removing the pistons!
  1. After removal step deterioration in the upper cylinder engine turn upside down, so that the crankshaft is turned upwards.
  2. Before connecting rods are removed, determine the value of their axial clearance using a feeler blade type. Enter the blade between the bottom of the probe head of the first connecting rod and crank cheek to eliminate backlash. The axial gap will be introduced in the total thickness of the blade gap. If the value of the backlash exceeds the limit, it is necessary to replace the connecting rod. When replacing the connecting rods or crankshaft endplay value of the rods can fall below the permissible limit, in this case, the connecting rods are to be machined - consult with experts of car-care center workshop. Repeat the test for each of the rods.
  1. Measure the side clearance (end play) of rods with a feeler gauge blade type.
  1. Check the connecting rods and cover their heads lower (connecting rod bearing) for the presence of identification tags. In the absence of such, apply them yourself using a small punch (the number of tags must match the serial number of the cylinder).
  2. In a half-turn in one go, to loosen the nut caps bottom heads of rods so long until you can loosen their hands. Remove the cover of the first rod with the bearing pad. Try not to drop the lid liner.
  3. Pull on the cover bolts on the connecting rod lengths of rubber hose to protect the crankshaft journals and the cylinder bore from damaging the bolts in the extraction process of the assembly.
  4. Remove the bearing of the bottom head of a rod and push the connecting rod and piston assembly through the top of the cylinder of the engine. To push the assembly through the cylinder rest against the bed head of a rod bearing a wooden hammer handle. If you have the slightest feeling of resistance, immediately stop pushing the assembly into the cylinder and check that the step wear in the upper part is completely removed.
  5. Repeat for the remaining assembly.
  6. After removing the assembly from the engine set liners and connecting rod bearing caps into place (after removing the protective hoses from bolts) and by hand tighten fixing nuts. Leaving the old liner in heads of rods to install assemblies in place to help prevent accidental damage to their working surfaces.
  7. Do not separate from the piston rods (see more complete information. Section Checking the connecting rod and piston assemblies).

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Assembling the cylinder head
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Removing the crankshaft

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