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Removal and installation of the cylinder head covers
| - Disconnect the negative wire from the battery.
- Remove the air cleaner assembly (Head of the Power supply system and exhaust).
- Remove the crankcase ventilation hose and control the operation of the fuel vapor recovery system.
- Remove the cover of the left cylinder head cooling pipe bracket.
- Disconnect the spark plug spark plug wires (pull should only cover the tip of the wire). It makes sense to pre-label the wires to ensure proper connection of the assembly.
- Remove the pins from the cylinder head covers plastic holders wires and put them together with wires aside.
 | Holders try to pull straight up - they are quite fragile and can be easily broken in the case of education slightest misalignment when removing. |
- Give bolts of the cylinder head covers.
 | Part of the fixture is a no bolts and studs - apply labels on the surface of the covers in the area of installation of the studs to the assembly to be able to place the fasteners in the same order. |
- Remove the cylinder head cover.
| - After tapping the lid with a rubber mallet striker, lift it up.
 | If the cover is "baked onto" Tap the it gently to release the perimeter hammer with soft brisk. If tapping does not work, try to stick to the joint between the lid and the head of the blade putty knife, and with his help cut the old layer of sealant. Do not attempt to pry the lid lever is tucked into the joint - this can cause damage to the mating surfaces. |
Setting The mating surfaces of the two heads and caps before installing the latter must be thoroughly cleaned. Using a scraper, remove the gasket mating surfaces all traces of the old gasket material and sealant, then wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in acetone. When installing leave traces on the mating surfaces of the sealant or oil it will lead to the development of the oil leak in the very near future.  | Metallized (on a metal substrate) silicone liner if they are damaged be reused. |
| - Make sure that the screw holes in the heads is absolutely clean. To remove traces of sealant and restoration of the damaged drive out of turns thread tap holes.
- Before installing the covers attach the gasket and the cylinder head.
- Carefully place the lid on the first head and screw the mounting bolts / studs.
- Tighten fixture with demanded effort in three stages.
 | Vkoem case do not tighten the bolts / studs cylinder head covers more than is required. |
- Further installation in reverse order of removal.
- Start the engine and carefully check for leaks in the heating process.