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Antifreeze - a means of protection against freezing
Coolant The cooling system is filled year-round with a mixture of water, antifreeze and anti-corrosion agents. This prevents rust and corrosion, deposition of salts and, moreover, raises the boiling point of the coolant. In the cooling system due to expansion upon heating fluid is pressurized, which also leads to an increase in the boiling temperature of the coolant. Pressure is limited by a cover disposed in the surge tank valve which opens at a pressure 1.4 - 2.0 atm. To ensure that the cooling system is required to insure against boiling coolant in which the vapor lock may result, causing the circulation of the liquid is reduced and engine cooling worsens. The boiling point should be increased. To this end, the cooling system should always be filled with a mixture of water and these supplements thereto.