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Toothed belt
Withdrawal  | Turn the crankshaft clockwise and align the timing marks to the piston in the first cylinder was established at top dead center on the compression stroke. At this time, the mark on the pulley of a camshaft and the cylinder head cover should be aligned and the dowel pin of the camshaft pulley must be at the top. |
Check Pulleys, pulley mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and idler pulley | - . Check the pulleys of distributive and cranked shaft, pulley tensioner and idler pulley to the absence of uneven wear, cracks or damage. Replace them as necessary.
- Check the ease and smoothness of rotation of the pulley tensioner and idler pulley, and the absence of background noise during rotation. Replace them as necessary.
| - Replace pulleys if there is leakage of the lubricant.
The mechanism of automatic tensioning toothed belt | - Check mechanism for automatic tensioning toothed belt for leaks and, if necessary, replace it.
| - Check the tip for wear or damage and, if necessary, replace it.
Toothed belt | - Check the toothed belt for traces of oil, water or dust. If you need to replace the belt. Slight traces should be wiped with a dry cloth or paper. Do not clean the timing belt solvent.
- After repair of the engine or adjust the tension of the belt, check the belt. In the presence of these defects, replace the timing belt.
Setting | - Install the crankshaft pulley on the crankshaft.
 | Pay particular attention to the mounting direction of the flange. If the pulley is not installed properly, it will cause damage to the toothed belt. |
- Install the special washer and screw the pulley bolt to the crankshaft, and then tighten the bolt. Torque: 185-195 N ??? m.
Toothed belt