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Starter Diesel Engine
Disassembly starter
 | Fitting the starter is carried out in sequence, return dismantling. |
Adjustment of a backlash gear Check of the traction relay of a starter | Disconnect the starter motor from terminal "M". The traction relay properly if the plug is pulled when connecting the battery terminals to terminals ?�S?� and ?�M?�. If the gear does not extend, replace magnetic switch.
 | This test must be completed within 10 seconds, because, otherwise, it may burn out the coil of the traction relay. |
Check keeping winding of the traction relay | Disconnect the starter motor from terminal "M". Additional wires connect the battery terminals to the terminal ?�S?� and the body of the traction relay and manually pull up the stopper gear. If the gear is in this position, hence retaining the winding traction relay is OK.
 | This test must be completed within 10 seconds, because, otherwise, it may burn out the coil of the traction relay. |
Checking the return plunger traction relay | Disconnect the starter motor from terminal "M". Additional wires connect the battery terminals to the terminal "M" and the body of the traction relay, with the starter gear should move forward. After disconnecting the wires starter pinion must quickly return to the starting position.
 | This test must be completed within 10 seconds, because, otherwise, it may burn out the coil of the traction relay. |
Performance tests (idling) | | - To test idle assemble the circuit shown in the figure.
- Install the engine rheostat in a position in which the voltmeter shows voltage of 11.5 V, and the current consumed by the starter, check and make sure that the starter shaft rotates easily and smoothly. If the current consumption is not correct, according to the table, determine and correct the cause of the fault.
Sign | possible cause | Large current consumption of the low speed shaft of the starter | Bearing contamination | Friction of the rotor winding of the pole | The rotor winding and the excitation coil shorted on "weight" | Damaged rotor winding | Large current consumption in the absence of rotation starter | Closed on "weight" solenoid switch | The rotor winding and the excitation coil shorted on "weight" | Conjuring bearing | No current consumption and starter shaft does not rotate | Damage to the rotor excitation coil | Broken or broken brush flexible conductor brush | No contact between the brush and the collector | Low current consumption at a low speed shaft starter | Wrong connection of the field coil windings | Large current consumption at high speed shaft starter | Short-circuit in the excitation coil |