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Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and hydraulic tappets
 | These models of cars equipped with airbags. Pillow is always ready and can work (inflated) at any time with a connected battery. To prevent accidental operation of the system (and to obtain as a result of injury) every time you work with the components of airbags (including the impact sensors, which can be located near the front grille / bumper) Disconnect the battery negative lead. After disconnecting the battery before you start work, wait at least 2 minutes (capacitor system is equipped with a delay, which must be fully discharged). See. Head System of an onboard electric equipment. |
 | The air conditioning system is constantly under pressure. Do not loosen the couplings of lines or disconnect any of the components of the system prior to its discharge. Coolant must be pumped out of the system in a special compensatory and regenerative EPA-unit station dealer branch or an authorized service center. When disconnecting the lines of the system, always wear safety goggles! |
Measuring the height of lobes (lifting) cam camshaft Checking the height cam lobe is made in order to assess the degree of wear of the shaft and is performed before removal of the shaft from the engine. | - Remove the cylinder head cover (Section Removal and installation of the cylinder head covers).
- Give the first cylinder to TDC of the compression stroke (Section Bringing in TDC position of first cylinder). Fix the dial gauge on the engine so that it turned out to be coaxial plunger push rod and rocker arm rested on the first piston (see. Chapter straight six-cylinder engine).
- Zero meter and start very slowly rotate the camshaft in the normal direction (clockwise) until the needle is not to freeze the maximum reading and will not start to fall back. Maximum meter reading fixes the maximum lifting height of the cam.
- Record the reading, and then return the piston to TDC of the compression stroke.
- Set the meter over the yoke of the second valve of the first cylinder and repeat the procedure. Accurately record all measurements.
- Repeat the test for the remaining cylinder valve. Since each of the pistons during the inspection must be set to TDC of the compression stroke, to move from one to the other in the easiest manner of ignition (see. Specifications).
- Upon completion of the measurement results of separate all recorded at 1.5 for a total lifting height of each of the cams (rocker provide a gear ratio of 1.5: 1). Compare the results of calculations with the requirements of the Specifications. If the rise of the cam is less than the allowable Specifications value of 0.08 mm, the camshaft is worn out and should be replaced.
Removing the camshaft | - Make discharging the air conditioning system in dealer branch or a specialist workshop which has the appropriate equipment.
- Disconnect the negative wire from the battery.
- Remove the intake manifold, rocker arms, pushrods, a distribution chain with the camshaft sprocket.
- Remove the distributor (Head System of an electric motor). Remove the radiator, front (radiator) grille and the air conditioning condenser.
 | To provide the necessary working space (for removal of the camshaft) may need to be removed and otbolchivanii vertical support striker hood (head body). |
- Roller-type hydraulic tappets must be marked with paint on the outside. Such labels can not be found, mark pushers yourself before you remove them.
 | When installing the pushers must be properly oriented in order to avoid misalignment oil supplying holes. |
| - Pay attention to the application of paint marks (arrows), showing which side roller tappets are pointing out - if the label can not be found, put them on your own.
- Take the three screws and remove the holder of pushers.
| - Take the three bolts (arrows) and remove the holder of pushers.
- There are several ways to extract the hydraulic tappets from their nests. Many companies also produce special tool designed to capture and extract the pushers, but the need for its application is not strictly necessary. In respect of new engines, where low carbon formation pushers often can be removed from their nests with the help of a magnet, or even manually. For poddevaniya pushers also well suited locksmith scriber with angled tip, which is put under the retaining ring mounted on top of each pusher.
 | IN NO EVENT SHALL not be used to capture the pushers (unless they can not be replaced) pliers - their jaws can easily damage the surface hardening of the walls of the pushers, which is equivalent to disabling them. |
- Remove the guides themselves pushers pushers. Stack components should be organized in a manner that guarantees the ability to install them when building on the former places - it is best to prepare specially labeled boxes.
| - Remove the pushers and guides serve to prevent rotation of the roller-type tappets in their nests.
- Otboltite and remove a persistent plate of a camshaft and the oil bar. Note how the strap has been installed on the engine to the assembly to set similarly.
| - Remove persistent plate of a camshaft and the oil bar.
- Screw long bolt into the hole in the end of the camshaft - it can be used as a handle when removing the shaft from the block.
- Carefully remove the camshaft of the engine. To avoid damage to the bearings during the cam shaft through them try to keep the latter in the process of removing the second hand as close as possible to the unit.
Checking the Status | - After the camshaft is removed from the engine must be cleaned with solvent and dried, then check for the presence of cervical bearing cavities traces of sticking and uneven wear. If cervical damaged and will possibly damage the respective bearing liners in the block. Replacing in this case subject to the shaft, and liners.
 | Replacing camshaft bearings requires special tools and specific experience, and therefore lies outside the qualification of the average mechanic-fan and in this manual are not considered. If the bearings are in poor condition, the engine must be removed from the car and bring the workshop to a qualified service center of the work. |
- If the neck found in a satisfactory condition, a micrometer to measure their diameters. Record the measurement results. Measure the diameter must be done at several points each neck (as the length of the cervix, and on its envelope surface) - this will help to identify its roundness and taper.
- Check the camshaft lobes for signs of overheating, scratches, chips, cavities, and traces of uneven wear. If the jaws are found in a satisfactory condition and results of measuring the height of their lifts satisfy the requirements of the Specifications, the camshaft is subject to further use
- In the case of engine equipment hydraulic tappets conventional flat-type camshaft must be replaced every time you change pushers and vice versa. However, if installed pushers roller type, it is a valid transfer of suitable pushers on a new shaft, however, set each of the pushers should be mandatory in its original slot.
- After a thorough cleaning, inspect the rollers tappets for signs of wear or damage, make sure that they rotate freely.
| - Rollers (if any) in the hydraulic tappets must rotate freely, without biting - and check them for signs of wear and excessive backlash.
Setting | - Lubricate the cams and necks of a camshaft assembly of motor grease.
| - Before installing camshaft lubricate cams and necks motor assembly grease.
- Insert the tool holding camshaft (P-3509 or equivalent) into the hole below the distributor. The use of this tool will prevent too deep planting shaft and knocking spherical plug at the rear of the unit. The tool must remain in place as long as there is no established chain distribution.
 | If you get a special tool fails, crank shaft in the block very slowly and carefully, trying to avoid knocking the plug. If the tightness Tube appears to be broken, there will be very strong oil leakage. |
| Driving use tool C-3509 with the installation of a camshaft. |
- Slowly insert the camshaft in the engine. Hold the shaft of the second hand as close as possible to the unit and be careful not to damage the bearings in the wire through them cam shaft. Do not enter the shaft deeper than is necessary for the installation of hard plates and strips oil.
- Install the distribution chain with asterisks (Section Removal, check of a condition and installation of a cover of the distribution chain, the chain itself and its stars). Align distribution labels on asterisks of cranked and distributive shaft.
- Replace the valve (Head System of an electric motor).
 | After combining the right way Stars shafts, runner distributor should turn to the plug wires spark plug of the sixth cylinder. |
- Grease pushers with pure impellent oil and establish them in the unit. If a replacement is not made of pushers, they must be installed in their previous nests marked with paint to the cavity side. Set the guides (arrows to the camshaft) and the holder of the pushers.
- Further installation is made in the reverse order of removal.
- Remove the engine oil, fill crankcase air conditioner type Mopar (?�� 3419130) or equivalent, and install a new oil filter (Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
- Start the engine, check for leaks and check the oil pressure.
 | Do not raise engine speed above turns of fast idling as long as the hydraulic tappets are filled with oil and re-start to run silently. |
- If you have replaced the camshaft and tappets, the engine should be warmed up to normal operating temperature and force him to work at the speed of fast idling for at least 15 - 20 minutes to break-in components. Then again, change the oil and oil filter.