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Overhaul of the engine - the general information
It is not always easy to determine when to do and whether to make a complete overhaul of the engine. In solving this problem it is necessary to take into account many factors. Significant mileage is not necessarily a sign of the need for major repairs and vice versa, small run does not guarantee the good condition of the engine. Perhaps the most important factor is the frequency of performance of procedures of routine maintenance of the car. Engine, which regularly and frequently, change the oil and oil filter as well as conscientiously implement the other treatments, with a high degree of probability of failure will last many, many thousands of kilometers. If we neglect the implementation of procedures of routine maintenance for overhaul of the engine may be required already after very short time. Excessive consumption of motor oil is usually a sign of the need to pay attention to piston rings, valve stem seals and / or valve guides. Before coming to the conclusion that the poor condition of these components, make sure that oil loss is not due to its leakage. To help determine the scope of work, the implementation of which is required during the engine overhaul will conduct testing compression pressure (Section Checking compression pressure in the cylinders). | - Believe oil pressure setting of the pressure sensor instead of a pressure gauge and compare the results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. If the pressure is too low, it means perhaps having a place of wear of bearings and / or the oil pump.
| - Remove the oil pressure sensor (arrow) ...
| ... and connect it instead of the pressure gauge oil - shown inline 6-cylinder engine, a pressure sensor on the V8 engines is located on top of the unit, behind the intake manifold.
Power loss, motor instability, excessive noise valve mechanism and increased fuel consumption may be the signs of the need for a major overhaul of the engine, especially if they are present all the time. If a full engine tuning does not help remedy the situation, requires a common mechanical remediation of internal engine components. Overhaul of the engine means to restore its performance to specification value of the new unit. During the overhaul is usually replacing piston rings and cylinder bores recovery (groove and honing). If the cylinder bore is made in the workshop of car-care center, usually at the same time established and oversize pistons. Also, usually replacing main and connecting rod bearings and camshaft bearings. If necessary, it can be produced and recovery groove crankshaft journals. Usually done full service valve mechanism whose components at the time of need for engine overhaul rarely are in satisfactory condition. In conjunction with an engine overhaul can be recovered and other components such as a distributor, a starter and a generator. As a result of the complex restoration work the engine has to get the new characteristics and reliability to serve many thousands of kilometers.  | During the overhaul of the engine is made mandatory as the replacement of critical components of the cooling system, as hoses, drive belts, the thermostat and water pump. Many garages offer no guarantees on their work if not previously been made professional cleaning, inspection and repair of the radiator status. The radiator should be carefully monitored for signs of leakage and blocking internal channels (Head of System of cooling, heating and air conditioning). In the absence of confidence in the troubleshooting radiator replace it. Not recommended to overhaul the oil pump - rebuilt engine mount on the new pump. |
Before you begin the overhaul of the engine, carefully read the description of the procedures require clear and try to imagine the nature of the work. Overhaul of the engine should not cause any difficulties, under the conditions of strict adherence to the instructions, the availability of the necessary tools and thorough compliance with the requirements of the Specifications, but it requires patience and a certain amount of time. It is planned giving up car use for a period of at least two weeks, especially if any of the components have to send for repair or refurbishment in the studio Car. Make sure you have all the necessary spare parts and take care of advance rent or purchase of special tools and equipment. Most of the work can be carried out using a conventional plumbing tools, but to determine the suitability for further use parts must use precise measuring equipment. Examination of the state of the individual elements can be produced at a workshop where you will receive the corresponding recommendations for their replacement.  | Before you decide which part of the work should be entrusted to carry out an auto repair shop professionals make a complete disassembly of the engine and all of its components (especially the engine block) and inspect their condition. Since the state of the block is the main criterion for determining whether to perform overhaul of the old engine or simply replace it with a new or remanufactured, never proceed with the purchase of spare parts or perform machining any of the components until until thoroughly investigated block state . Overhaul engine usually requires costs in prime time, so do not try to save on the installation of non-standard or substandard components. |
In conclusion, it should be noted that in order to achieve the maximum period of trouble-free service of the restored engine, its assembly after the overhaul should be carried out in the immaculately clean conditions.