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Honing cylinders
Before you start assembling the motor it is necessary to make honing cylinders, which is required to ensure proper fit new piston rings and guarantee adequate sealing of the combustion chambers in the engine.  | In the absence of the necessary tools and desire to self-performance, you can go to any auto service shop where the honing of the cylinders will be done for a very reasonable fee. |
| - Before you begin honing cylinders set into place the crankshaft bearing caps and tighten bolts of its fastening with demanded effort.
- Available hones two types - flexible hone that looks like a brush for cleaning bottles and more traditional khon for processing of mirrors of cylinders equipped with spring-loaded grindstones. Both types are equally well suited for the implementation of the procedure, but the first is easier to handle and independent performance honing mechanics amateur recommended to use it. Also Hone also need a sufficient amount of kerosene or honingovochnogo oil, rags and an electric drill. Performing in the following order:
- Pinch hone in a drill chuck, compress stones and enter into the first cylinder hon. Do not forget to wear safety goggles or face shield!
| With no experience of honing the independent exercise proper result easier to achieve by using the flexible hone such as "bottle brush". |
- Liberally lubricate the cylinder honingovochnym oil, include a drill and start driving Hon up and down in a cylinder with a pitch to left on the mirror cylinder pattern had the appearance of a uniform grid. Ideally, the grid lines should intersect at an angle of 60 ?�. Spare no lubrication and do not remove more material than is really necessary to achieve the desired polishing mirrors.
 | Manufacturers of piston rings may require to ensure a smaller angle of intersection of the bands left by Hon pattern on the cylinder walls - stick with this issue instructions offered complete with a set of rings. |
| Hon must be left on the cylinder walls smooth mesh pattern, lines which intersect at an angle of approximately 60 ?�. |
- Do not remove the cylinder hone to a stop drill chuck. Instead, continue along the cylinder hone up and down until it stops, and then remove the stones and squeeze the hon. In the case of using a flexible drill stop Hon, then manually rotate the cartridge in the normal direction of the cylinder remove hon.
- Wipe the cylinder bore and repeat for the remaining cylinders.
- After completing the honing using the Needle remove chamfer at the upper edge of each of the cylinders, so as to prevent hooking rings sharp edge for the introduction of pistons into the cylinders. Observe extreme caution - be careful not to damage the end Needle mirror cylinders.
- The engine block must be thoroughly re-washed with warm soapy water to remove traces of grit remaining after honing the cylinder.
 | The walls of the cylinder can be considered clean when after rubbing them with a piece of white lint-free cloth (dampened with clean motor oil) does not remain in it traces of abrasive, manifested in the form of patches of gray. Clean all oil apertures and galleries special brush (cleaning brush), and rinse with running water. |
- After rinsing, dry the block and grease all machined surfaces with a light oil to prevent the development of corrosion. Wrap the unit in a large plastic bag and set it before the start of assembly of the engine.