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General Data Engine
ENGINES by minibus VW T4 For VW T4 taken transverse engine in the engine compartment. Engines set of 4- and 5-cylinder, both gasoline and diesel.
Removing the engine is made down, with 5-tsilidrovy engine is removed together with a transmission and 4-cylinder without it.
Work on complicated short engine bonnet, impeding access to the engine compartment. Therefore, to facilitate access, the radiator grille with the fan and simply folded forward.
Folding radiator is almost always needed when working on the engine, and is described in Section 2.2.
The cast from gray cast iron engine block are cylinders. With strong wear or scoring on the cylinder walls, they should be othoningovany factory. Then, naturally, it is necessary to set larger diameter pistons. At the bottom of the cylinder liners are supports for the crankshaft main bearings and crankshaft. The compound crank with pistons provide rods sitting on the crankshaft in bearings. In the lower part of the engine located sump, which houses the engine oil. Above the engine block is fixed cylinder head, cast from an aluminum alloy, as the metal conducts heat better and has a lower specific gravity than the gray cast iron.
Cylinder head mounted exhaust manifolds and receiving. At the top of the cylinder head camshaft is receiving traffic from the crankshaft via a toothed belt. Camshaft via hydraulic bucket tappets drives the vertically arranged intake and exhaust valves. The hydraulic tappets automatically align the gaps in the valves, so that the adjustment of the gaps in the framework of maintenance is required.
Engine lubrication oil pump ensures that at the 5-cylinder engine mounted in the front cylinder block and is driven by the crankshaft. In 4-cylinder engine oil pump located in the oil sump and is driven by the intermediate shaft.
Take away from the oil sump of the holes and channels is supplied to the main bearings of the crankshaft and camshaft as well as to the working surfaces of cylinders.
Water pump at the 5-cylinder engine is at the front of the crankshaft in the crankcase and is driven by a toothed belt. In 4-cylinder engine water pump is attached to the side of the cylinder block. Water pump drive V-belt is provided, which drives the generator. Additional V-belt drives the power steering pump. Note that the cooling system must be operated throughout the year a mixture of ice-water and antirust additives.
For the preparation of the combustible air-fuel mixture is, as a rule, does not require maintenance, the fuel injection system.
Electronic ignition gasoline engine supports almost constant ignition timing. Depending on the type of engine ignition distributor mounted on the left side of the cylinder block or the rear cylinder head. The 4-cylinder engines, he is driven by a ring gear of the intermediate shaft.
The intermediate shaft, in turn, is driven by the crankshaft via a toothed belt. The 5-cylinder engine distributor works directly from the camshaft.
In the diesel engine is no ignition system, as a result of strong compression of the air is heated so that fuel injection occurs after the self-ignition of the mixture. High pressure fuel pump (pump) is attached to the side of the unit and is driven by a toothed belt. A warning The radiator fan may turn on even when the engine stopped and the ignition off. As a result, stagnation of heat in the engine compartment, it may happen repeatedly. When working in the engine compartment when the engine is hot, it is necessary to be considered and taken into account the possibility of a sudden the radiator fan.
Brief specifications of engines VW T4
Engine code | AAS | AAF | 1X | ABL | AAV | Start release | 9.90 | 12.90 | 9.90 | 10.92 | 9.90 | Displacement, cm3 | 1968 | 2459 | 1896 | 1896 | 2370 | Power, kW / hp. / rpm | 62/84 4300 | 81/110 4500 | 44/60 3700 | 50/68 3700 | 57/78 3700 | Torque, Nm / rpm | 159/2000 | 190/2200 | 127/1700 | 140/2000 | 164/1800 | Bore mm | 81.0 | 81.0 | 79.5 | 79.5 | 79.5 | Stroke, mm | 95.5 | 95.5 | 95.5 | 95.5 | 95.5 | Compression ratio | 8.5 | 8.5 | 22.5 | 22.5 | 22.5 | Fuel | gasoline 91 | gasoline 91 | diesel fuel | diesel fuel | diesel fuel | Injection system | Digifant | Digifant | Diesel-VE | Diesel-VE | Diesel-VE | Operating procedure of cylinders | 1-3-4-2 | 1-2-4-5-3 | 1-3-4-2 | 1-3-4-2 | 1-2-4-5-3 |