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Generator petrol engines
Withdrawal | | - Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
| - Disconnect the connector from the generator and the wire from the plug ?�B?� generator.
| - Loosen the belt tension adjusting screw and unscrew a bolt of fastening of the generator.
| - Click on the generator side of the engine, remove the alternator drive belt.
| - Remove the bolt and nut, and remove the generator from the car.
| | - Remove the screws and remove the generator.
| - Remove the screws and remove the brush holder.
| - Remove the guide pin ring.
| - Remove the pulley nut, then remove the spring washer, a pulley and the spacer.
| - Remove the four coupling bolts.
| - Insert two flat blade screwdriver between the front cover and the yoke of the stator and remove the cover.
Assembly The assembly of the generator is carried out in sequence, return dismantling. Check Rotor | | - Ohmmeter measure resistance between contact rings. If the resistance is extremely low, so there is a short circuit in the rotor winding. If the conductivity does not appear, there is a breakage in the rotor winding, and the need to replace the rotor. The resistance of 3.1 ohms.
| - Ohmmeter check up conductivity between the contact ring and the anchor of the rotor. In the presence of conductivity, replace a rotor.
Stator | | - Ohmmeter check up conductivity between the wires of the stator coils. In the absence of conductivity, replace the stator.
| - An ohmmeter check up conductivity between the stator coil and the stator. In the presence of conductivity, replace the stator.
Replacement brush | If brushes are worn to the limit line, replace them.
| - Unsolder braided wire and remove the spring and brush.
- Install the brush spring and a new brush into the brush holder.
- Insert the brush so that there is a distance of 2-3 mm between the wear limit line and the end of the brush holder.
- Solder the braided wire to brush holder.
Setting Installation is performed in reverse order of removal.
 | - Set the motor generator. Insert the central bolt of fastening of the generator, but it is screwed onto the nut.
- Move the generator to one side of the central bolt of fastening of the generator and measure the distance between the generator and the support bracket. Pick up a set of shims corresponding to the measured distance.
- Insert the spacers and screw the nut on the bolt of the central generator.