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Removal and installation of the front suspension arms
| To avoid slipping axle housing from the position that would greatly complicate subsequent assembly, remove and install each of the suspension arms alternately. |
Poddomkratte the front of the car and establish it on props. Upper Arm Lower suspension arm | - With the scriber or put down the paint marks on the cam controllers and suspension arms - this will ensure correct assembly.
| - Before disconnecting the lower arm of the bracket axle housing mark the position of the cam relative to a control, and then give a nut and remove the bolt.
- Give a nut fastening the lower arm to the bracket axle housing, remove the cam and cam bolt.
- Give a nut and bolt on the frame rail bracket and lower the lower arm.
| - To remove the lower arm of the bracket frame give a nut (not visible in the picture) and remove the bolt.
- Install in reverse order. Make alignment marks relative position of the lever and cam control. All fixture tighten with demanded effort.