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Check of serviceability and maintenance of heating systems and air-conditioning
To maintain the air conditioning system is constantly in a state of maximum efficiency of the following tests must be performed on a regular basis: | - Check the condition of the compressor drive belt. If the belt is worn or damaged, replace it (Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
- Check the tension of the drive belt and, if necessary, adjust (Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance).
- Check hoses for cracks, blisters, signs of aging of the material and other damage. Inspect the worn fittings on the ends of the hoses for signs of leakage and oil. If signs of wear, damage or leaks, replace the hose (s).
- Check the gaps between the capacitor plates for the presence of trapped older leaves, the remains of insects and other debris. Clean the gaps with a special comb or blow with compressed air.
- Check the level of refrigerant in the system.
The system should include at least once a month at the time of about 10 minutes, especially with regard to the cold season, when the direct need for air-conditioning the cabin absent. Extended Absence leads to gradual hardening and damage the seals of the system. Identify leaks in the system is easiest after heating and pressure build-up in it by five minutes of turning on the system in the cabin conditioning regimen with the engine running. Then switch off the engine and carefully inspect all hoses and couplings. The presence of traces of oil usually indicates the presence of refrigerant leaks. Given the complexity of the system design and the need for special equipment for servicing, diagnostics and repair of the deep, a description of the procedures listed in this manual is not included. However, the simple checks and procedures for the replacement of some components are collected in this Chapter and offer our readers. If the air conditioning system does not function at all, check the fuse in its mounting block and switch the air conditioner, which is located in the relay box in the engine compartment. | Switch the air conditioning system is the central (arrow) in the relay box in the engine compartment. |
More often than not reduce the effectiveness of the system is related to the drop in the level of refrigerant charged into it. When a marked decrease in the efficiency of the system is one of checks suggested below will help you quickly identify the drop in refrigerant. Checking the coolant level | - Warm up the engine to normal operating temperature.
- Move the lever to the functioning of the air conditioning temperature to the maximum cold, and then turn on the heater fan to the maximum. Open the doors (to avoid automatic shutdown system cools the air in the cabin).
- After the compressor - clutch coupling it emits an audible click, and its central part will start to rotate - palpate one hand inlet tube evaporator between the tube calibrated nozzle and the evaporator, while pressing the second hand to the metal section of the hose between the evaporator and the accumulator (storage) (see. Sections Removal and installation of the heat exchanger heater and Removal and installation of a calibrated orifice tube).
- The tube that goes from a calibrated nozzle to the evaporator must be cold to the touch, and the outlet hose - a little (2 - 6 ?� C) colder. If the output is warmer than the entry level is not enough refrigerant in the system (the system undercharged). The first signs of insufficient charging system is a state emerging from the sleeves of the air inside the vehicle. If the air is not as cold as it should be, the system needs to be charged. More detailed diagnostics of the system requires the use of special equipment, and is outside the qualification of the average mechanic-fan.
- If the inlet pipe is covered with frost, the cold surface of the touch battery, the system also needs to be recharged.
Refilling the system with refrigerant Get in the store car accessories for charging a special set of air-conditioning systems. The set includes a canister of refrigerant (refrigerant oil) of 12 ounces (340 grams), a gate valve (tap) and a short hose connected between the valve and work in the low-pressure valve of the system. Since a canister of refrigerant may not be enough to finalize the charging system, it makes sense to buy a pair of advance replacement. Make sure that one of the canisters contained refrigerator oil red. In the event of a leak in the reddish hue of the refrigerant will help identify their source.  | In no case do not add to the system for more than two cans of refrigerant. |
| The basic charge set for systems such as 134a can always be purchased in shops of automobile accessories - on the packaging must be 134 Index and (not R-12) must also be attached to the canister 340 grams (12 ounces) of refrigerator oil. |
| - Follow the instructions supplied with the kit, collect the charge set.
 | DO NOT attempt to connect a hose to the charge set aside the high-pressure system! It should be noted that the structure of the union, and does not allow it. |
- Give flywheel valve valve (cock) charger kit and connect to the set with the refrigerant canister. Make sure that the threaded part of the nozzle been installed sealing ring.
 | When working with the canister in which the coolant is under pressure, wear safety glasses. |
- Remove the boot from the charging nozzle of low pressure side of the system (just above the expansion tank of cooling system)
| - Add a low-pressure refrigerant in the air conditioning system fitting.
- Warm up the engine and turn on the air conditioner. Try to avoid contact of the hose from the battery set with the blades of the cooling fan and other moving components in the engine compartment. Charging system it requires rotation of the compressor. If the compressor clutch is periodically turned off disunite an electric socket cyclic switch on the battery (accumulator) and connect the jumper wire. This will cause the compressor to work continuously.
| - Remove the cyclic switch unit battery connector and connect it directly to the battery by means of a set of wires to start the engine from the auxiliary power - it will avoid the periodic shutdown of the compressor.
- Turn the valve handle set in such a way that the rod pierced ear neck cans, then return the handle to its original position by pulling the rod out of the hole and allow the passage of the refrigerant through the latter. This should be heard hissing of passing gas. Add the coolant in the low-pressure part of the system in small portions as long as the surface temperatures are equal battery and an inlet tube evaporator. Before each subsequent submission of leave time to stabilize the system.
- If you have an accurate thermometer, you can enter it in the central sleeve of the air conditioner in the car and constantly monitor the temperature of the exhaust air. Properly functioning properly charged air conditioning system should cool the air to a temperature of 4,5 ?� C. If the ambient temperature (outside air) is very high, for example about 44 ?� C, the temperature of the air coming out of the hose can reach up to 15,7 ?� C Normal ostuzhennym outside air is 17 - 28 ?� C.
- After emptying the canister, turn the tap to closed position and disconnect the hose from the low-pressure nozzle system. Replace the boot fitting.
- Disconnect the set from the canisters and store until the next refueling system. Pierces the valve stem must be retracted in order to avoid a sudden piercing neck jumper new canister when the next set of assembly.