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Check fluid level, leakage control
 | The following describes how the procedure produced on a monthly basis. Description checks the levels of other fluids can be found below in the appropriate sections dedicated to specific maintenance procedures. Regardless of the agreed schedule intervals, try not to ignore the facts of occurrence of sagging liquid under the car - such signs indicate the presence for immediate troubleshooting. |
 | When checking the level of a working liquid of any vehicle should be positioned horizontally! |
Fluids are an integral part of the systems, lubrication, cooling, braking and washing of glasses. Because of normal consumption and trends in contamination in the course of operation of the vehicle, should periodically check the status / levels and replacement of hydraulic fluids - check out the requirements of the Specifications to the types used by the composition and volume of filling the respective systems. Engine oil Visual inspection of leaks | - When marked oiling the power unit and a large consumption of oil, inspect the place of the most probable development of leaks:
- The sealing element filler cap motor oil - check for cracks and other mechanical damages;
- Components of the crankcase ventilation system (in particular, - the ventilation hose extending from the cylinder head cover to the intake duct);
- Cover Gasket (EC) of the cylinder head;
- Head gasket (s) of cylinders;
- The sealing element drain plug sump;
- Gasket oil filter - carefully examine the place fit the filter flange to the landing;
- Laying of the oil pan;
- Front and rear crankshaft oil.
- Wrap in plastic generator, spray the engine is usually cold cleaner - then, after a short time - at the car wash machine.
- The joints of the mating surfaces and sealing elements of the power unit outside sprinkle lime or talc.
- Check the oil level, if necessary, make appropriate adjustment (see. Below).
- During a short (about 30 km) trip (preferably on the highway) warm up the engine to normal operating temperature - hot oil has high fluidity and easily seep through leaks.
- Park the car in a safe place and, flashing his lamp, examine the engine to localize sources of oil leaks. Eliminate the causes of leaks.
Checking  | The maximum allowable consumption of motor oil 1l / 1000 km, the actual level of oil consumption depends on driving style, - frequent driving at high engine speed leads to an increase in oil consumption. |
| - The monitoring function of the motor oil level lies in the section "Standard Display" menu of the main on-board computer (refer to the manual car - ask in shops of automobile literature).
- , ?�???????�?�?�?�?????�?? ???�???�?? ?????�?�?�?????�?� ???????�?�?�?? G270 CDI ?? ?�???????�?�?�?�?????�?? ???�???�?? ?????�?�?�?????�?� ???????�?�?�?? G400 CDI ). Physical check the oil level using the dipstick threaded into the guide tube and descends into the engine to the bottom of the tray of his housing (see. Illustration Engine compartment petrol models (for example, G55 AMG), Engine compartment diesel models G270 CDI and Engine compartment diesel models CDI G400). Checking the oil level should be done before the first day of the current trip, or after about 5 minutes after stopping the engine. If you run the test immediately after switching off the engine, the results are not adequately reflect the situation as part of the oil will be distributed on internal engine components and galleries.
| - Remove the dipstick from guide tube and wipe it dry with a clean cloth or a blade with a paper towel. Fill the dipstick back into the tube until it stops, then remove again. After examining the blade of the probe, evaluate the value of oil-wetted area. The oil level should be between the upper and lower marks on the blade of the probe. If necessary, add the appropriate amount of engine oil grades required.
| |  | In order to raise the level from the bottom mark on the blade to the top of the probe requires about 2 liters of oil. |
| - Lowering the level of the lower border allowable range leads to the development of oil starvation of engine, and is fraught with serious mechanical damage to the latter. Try not to pour oil above the top mark as this can lead to thrown at the spark plug or failure of seals of the power unit as a result of excessive pressure.
- , ?�???????�?�?�?�?????�?? ???�???�?? ?????�?�?�?????�?� ???????�?�?�?? G270 CDI ?? ?�???????�?�?�?�?????�?? ???�???�?? ?????�?�?�?????�?� ???????�?�?�?? G400 CDI ). To pour the oil in the engine must be removed threaded filler cap (see. Illustration Engine compartment petrol models (for example, AMG G55), Engine compartment G270 CDI diesel models and Engine compartment CDI diesel models G400). In order to avoid oil spray during filling into the engine, use a funnel or oil can with a long spout. Gulf oil, screw and tighten the oil filler cap, and then start the engine and inspect for signs of leakage drain plug and mating with the surface of the oil filter unit. Stop the engine, wait a 5-10 minutes, during which the oil drains into the tray, and then recheck the level.
|  | Excess oil must be drained or pumped from the sump, - excessive level of motor oil can cause failure of the catalytic converter. Track reliability of a tightening of the filler cap. |
| - Check engine oil level is the important preventive procedure of maintenance of the engine. Continuous reduction indicates the presence of oil leaks as a result of failure of the seals, damaged seals, wear of piston rings or valve guides. If the oil is in color or consistency like milk or are present in a drop of water, this indicates possible damage to the cylinder head gasket, or the formation of cracks in the body of the head (s) or block. The check should be made without delay. During the measurement of level of oil, always check its condition. Thumb and index finger to remove the blade probe traces of oil - in the case of the presence therein of small metal particles oil must be replaced (see. Section Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter).
Engine coolant  | Do not suppose antifreeze hit on open sites of a body and the painted surfaces of the vehicle. Casual splashes immediately wash off with plenty of water. Remember that antifreeze is highly toxic liquid and its hit in an organism even in small amounts is fraught with the most serious consequences, including death. Never leave antifreeze stored in leaky closed container, immediately collect spilled on the floor coolant. Remember that the sweetish smell of antifreeze can draw the attention of children and pets. About disposal of used coolant, consult with the local authorities - in many parts of the world special points on any reception of working off. In no case do not drain the old coolant down the drain and to the ground! |
 | Recently developed non-toxic antifreeze grade, however, they must be disposed of in an organized manner. |
| - All vehicles covered in this manual are equipped with a cooling system of compensation type, operating at a positive pressure. ). Plastic expansion tank is located on the right in the engine compartment and connected hoses to the radiator and the water jacket of the power unit (see. Illustration Engine compartment petrol models (for example, AMG G55)). As the heating of the engine during its operation expanding coolant fills the tank. At cooling of the engine coolant is automatically fed back into the cooling system, which ensures the maintenance of a constant value of its level.
| - Checking the coolant level in the reservoir should be done regularly, at a strictly horizontal position of the car and the engine is off. When cold, the coolant level should be up to the reference mark on the wall / in the expansion tank, depending on the version. After warming up the engine coolant level is still rising by around 1.0 - 1.5 cm. In case of need make corresponding updating - just add the required liquid formulation (see. Specifications).
| | - Having made the short trip by car, once again measure the coolant level - a slight adjustment can be made by topping up with distilled water, however, it should be remembered that the frequent addition of water leads to dilution of antifreeze, it is wise always topped up in a mixture of the desired composition.
- Regularly there is a need to adjust the coolant level indicate the presence of its leaks (external or internal), - carefully examine structural condition radiator, connecting hoses, filler cap, drain plug and the water pump (see. Section Check of functioning of system of cooling and frost coolant replacement fluid). If you identify the source of the leak is not possible, check the tightness of landing covers a broad tank and a radiator in a service station.
- Removing the covers of the components of the cooling system must be carried out after the complete cooling of the engine. Wrap a cloth cover and remove it to the first point of weakening the resistance - if it from the cover begins to break out steam or cooling liquid, allow the engine to cool a little, and only then completely remove the cover.
- It is also necessary to check the condition of the cooling liquid, it should be relatively clear. If the fluid has a reddish-brown color, it is necessary to drain, then rinse path cooling system and fill it with fresh mixture of the desired composition. Even if the coolant looks fine, its member corrosion inhibitors over time lose their effectiveness, so a replacement in any case should be made in accordance with the schedule of routine maintenance.
- If necessary, check the coolant freezing resistance can be made using a hydrometer - compare the results of measurement to requirements of Specifications.
Checkpoint coolant level in expansion tank (check through the neck) brake fluid  | When servicing the hydraulic path of brake system extreme caution. Do not allow brake fluid in your eyes, mouth and on the painted surfaces of the car! Remember that the brake fluid is highly hygroscopic, ie It has the property of absorbing moisture in the air - in any case not top up the brake system hydraulic fluid for a long time kept in a tightly sealed container! Use only recommended brake fluid, - mixing different types of fluid can lead to brake failure! |
| - Equipped with the brake master cylinder reservoir (GTZ), the system is installed in the rear left corner of the engine compartment. On the fall of the brake fluid level of the driver prevents firing of built-in combination of devices the control lamp (see. Section A combination of devices, meters, warning lights and indicator lights), the float sensor switch which is integrated in the (models of release till 12.2000) / housing (models of release since 12.2000) tank GTZ.
| a. b. | - The brake fluid level is checked visually and must be between the ?�MAX?� and ?�MIN?�, marked on translucent tank wall GTZ. In case of need make corresponding updating, having added the required amount of fresh fluid through the neck of the reservoir - to loosen the cover, wipe the outside of the tank to prevent the ingress of dirt into the hydraulic path.
|  | It should not be poured into the reservoir of an excessive amount of liquid. |
| - When the cover is removed, check the fluid and the walls of the tank GTZ for signs of contamination. In the case of detecting the presence of rust particles, dirt or water droplets, the liquid should be replaced by a subsequent "pumping" the brake system (see chap. Brakes and auxiliary systems).
- After finishing adjustment / replacement, be sure of landing evenness and reliability of a tightening of the lid of the tank.
- The gradual lowering of the level of liquid in the tank due to the GTZ brake pad wear. The need for the addition of liquid is absent if the level does not drop below the ?�MIN?�, - if necessary, check the condition of the friction linings brake pads, - replacement pads will automatically equalize level.
- If you need to adjust the brake fluid level occurs regularly, you should immediately check carefully hydraulic path of brake system for signs of leaks, - carefully inspect the condition of supports / wheel cylinders, GTZ, brake tubes, hoses and compression fittings (see. Categories Test brake system and check and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment, localization of leaks).
- When lowering the level of liquid in the tank GTZ below the ?�MIN?� brake system should be "bled" (see chap. Brakes and auxiliary systems).
Liquid hydrostrengthening steering system (GUR)  | If the liquid level in the tank drops below GUR area corresponding to the current temperature range, the state hydrostrengthening steering must be checked for firm HUNDRED Mercedes-Benz, - easy adjustment level in this case will not be enough. |
 | As part of the routine procedures such control power steering fluid level is not performed. |
| - Checking the power steering fluid is produced at a temperature of about 20 ?� C. ?? ???????????????????�?�?�?????�?� ???�?�?????�???�?�????). The tank is equipped with a power steering equipped dipstick and screw cap is placed on the right in the engine compartment (see. Illustration Engine compartment petrol models (for example, G55 AMG) and the accompanying illustration). On diesel models to provide access to the tank must be removed GUR trim panel of the cylinder head. The fluid level must be between the ?�MIN?� and ?�MAX" on the cutting edge of the probe.
| a. b. c. |
Hydraulic drive fluid differential lock  | The hydraulic section of the drive locking differentials used brake fluid, the handling of which should take special precautions (see the above warning in the corresponding section). |
 | As part of the routine procedures such control fluid level of hydraulic drive locking differentials not performed. |
| - ?? ???????????????????�?�?�?????�?� ???�?�?????�???�?�?????�. Location tank hydraulic drive locking differentials illustrated Engine compartment petrol models (for example, G55 AMG) and accompanying illustrations.
and - The location of the tank (1) hydraulic drive locking differentials on models of release till 12.2000 b - Location of the tank (1) hydraulic drive locking differentials on models of release with 12.2000 g
| a. b. | - The fluid level should be slightly above the mark MAX, applied a translucent wall of the reservoir - in the case of need make corresponding updating, after checking the hydraulic drive hydraulic path for signs of leaks and eliminate the cause of the latter.
Transmission Fluid (ATF)  | Used on these models of cars automatic transmissions are filled with transmission fluid for the entire period of his service in the regular inspection and adjustment of the level is not needed. |
Check of level ATF | | |
| - Check of level ATF correct to produce when the engine and transmission, - make a car a short (about 15 km) trip.
- Park the car on a level surface, cock a lay brake. To secure the vehicle prop wheel chock.
- Run the engine at idle. Depress the brake pedal and carefully switch the selector lever from the "P" position ?�D?�, then return back. Make sure there are no signs of external leaks ATF.
- Dipstick fluid located in the rear part of the transmission. Before removing the probe, thoroughly clean the surface adjacent to the crankcase - dirt inside the transmission is not allowed.
- Having hooked a suitable screwdriver, remove the locking clip (red lock tab breaks off, the remaining fragment of the lid is pushed down) and remove the cover (see. Illustration above).
- Start the engine and hold the brake pedal car fixed, consistently push the lever through all operating ranges, in conclusion, once again returned to the "P".
- Pre thoroughly wiping, thread the dipstick all the way into the filler neck of the transmission. Remove the dipstick and the length of the wetted portion of his blade determine the ATF level in the transmission housing, in cold unit level should be between the min and max the lower (25 ?� C) scale of the probe, the hot - between identical marks top (80 ?�) of the scale (see . illustration above).
- During a short trip transmission warm to normal operating temperature Wait about 2 minutes and again recheck the fluid level with the engine running. If the ATF level is too high, excess fluid to be pumped from the crankcase AT mandatory, - excess levels, as well as the lack of ATF can lead to transmission failure.
- Replace the filler cap and lock it with a new locking latch (see. Illustration above).
- Inspect sump AT for signs of leaks, if necessary, make the necessary corrections.
Lubricating Fluid Transfer Case  | As part of the planned maintenance procedures check the oil level in the transfer case is not made. |
| - Ensure the horizontal installation of the car. Wipe the surface of the transfer case around the filler / level plug (see. Conjugated. Illustration - Location of the filler / level plug on the transfer case Series 750.65).
| | - Remove the plug and inserting a finger into the hole, check the oil level - it should reach up to the lower edge of the hole. If necessary, make appropriate adjustment.
Liquid washing of glasses / lenses headlights  | Concentrate windshield means of easily flammable! When handling concentrate glass-agent use of fire, open flame and smoking are prohibited. |
| - The reservoir fluid Windshield washer mounted in the right rear corner of the engine compartment, behind the surge tank of the cooling system and is equipped with filler neck with cap bayonet type (see. Conjugated. Illustration - Location reservoir fluid washing of glasses / lenses range in the engine compartment (all models)). Tank capacity is about 7.5 liters (cm. Specifications).
| | - On the fall of the liquid level of the driver prevents firing of built-in combination of devices the control lamp - the gauge-switch of a control lamp is mounted in the upper part of the washer fluid reservoir.
In areas with a temperate climate system can be refilled with ordinary water, but it is recommended to add water glass cleaner (summer concentrate MB is marked S). The tank must be filled to not more than two-thirds of that was space for expansion of water during freezing. In areas with cold climates should use a special concentrate for the washing of glasses (labeled W), lowers the freezing point of the liquid, which can be bought in any shop of automobile accessories. Usually it is sold in concentrated or ready-made. Mix concentrate with water should be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions set out on the packaging manufacturer's agent.
|  | In no case do not use for washing of glasses antifreeze cooling system, capable in contact with body panels damage the paint! |