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General information on wheels and tires
Tyres are high-tech products, which has been designed for the operating conditions of modern vehicles. As with any other high-tech products, it also must be careful handling, care and maintenance. Only in this case, you can ensure that the safety, resource and driving comfort will be provided throughout the life of the tire. Tires are highly dependent on a constantly evolving process. Due to modern designs, technology, manufacturing and continuous quality control of manufactured high-quality tires. All admitted VW bus were checked by the technical development and in cooperation with the producers of tires was calculated for the type of vehicle. Therefore, we recommend the replacement of tires mounted always committed and recommended tire products. Vehicle safety has the highest importance. Given the different operating conditions, such as: - Various speed ranges; - Winter and summer operation; - Raw or dry pavement; - Is to be found the best compromise for the safety. During the operation, and eventually each tire is exposed to many different stresses. Therefore, it is important that the fundamental conditions have been met for optimal performance tires. Proper wheel alignment - this is one of the most important conditions to achieve optimal life of the tire. Therefore, wheel alignment should certainly be in the specified tolerance range.
NOTE Causes damage to tires and claims may be different. It is therefore very important to distinguish between what was the cause of the complaint tires or other items. With normal wear and tear of the tire changing its performance. There may be noise from rolling and harshness turn. These phenomena are not considered defects in tires and attendant wear. They can be targeted measures to eliminate, at least partially. In certain cases, eliminate the noise of traffic on 100% fail. |