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Check of serviceability and replacement of the cooling fan and clutch his clutch
 | To avoid any possible damage or injury DO not start the engine with a damaged fan. Do not attempt to repair the fan blades - if damaged, replace the impeller fan is new. |
Check | - Disconnect the negative wire from the battery and shake the fan back and forth by hand, checking his sleeve for signs of excessive backlash.
- When cool (and not running) engine fan blades rotate manually. The fan should rotate freely.
- Inspect the outside of the fan, trying vyvit traces of leakage of fluid from the viscous clutch assembly. In the event of signs of malfunction replace the clutch.
- When the engine is fully warmed up, turn off the ignition and disconnect the wire from the battery. Turn the fan by hand. It should feel a small but significant resistance. If the fan rotates freely, replace the clutch.
Replacement | - Disconnect the negative wire from the battery. Give fixing screws and lift the fan shroud, revealing slits in the bottom bracket of the radiator, then move through the fan casing.
| - Give bolts of fastening the fan housing.
| Details of the cooling fan assembly of the V8 engine |
- To remove the fan for V8 engines require a special tool, which can be purchased in almost any of the shops of automobile accessories. The fan is attached to the water pump through a large central nut, which is part of the fan drive. The tool captures the four bolts pump pulley, while the center nut is given a big key (thread and give the right nut should be counter-clockwise). Sometimes the pump pulley can be fixed quite strongly pressed ribbon-type drive belt, but if the fan stood on the car long enough, the use of the instrument is inevitable. Fan 6-cylinder engine is attached to the water pump using the four studs and nuts; Give nuts and remove the fan assembly with the clutch with studs.
- Remove the fan assembly from the coupling and its housing from the engine compartment.
| - Remove the fan assembly from the coupling and coupling guard.
- Inspect the condition of the blades of the impeller. In case of defects, replace the fan.
- At this stage impeller may be of otbolchena clutch (if the need arises). Store the fan should, after putting down the side facing the radiator.
| - Take the four bolts and separate from the impeller clutch - coupling should be kept putting DOWN necessarily facing the radiator side.
- Install in reverse order. Track reliability and uniformity tightening nuts and impeller clutch.